We are very excited to share this initiative to create this sacred place of yogic practice in the nature.
Do you want to know what this is about?
In 2009 Advaitavidya was born in Barcelona, a community dedicated to the practice and sharing the deep sense of yoga, in which Swami Satyananda Saraswati, a renowned Hindu teacher in our country, teaches in the traditional way the foundations of vedanta, yoga and meditation practices as the path of inner transformation and self-knowledge.
Around Swamiji, a community that practices and lives according to the principles of this ancient tradition has been formed, which is open to anyone who wants to know and deepen this path. In the last six years the community has been established in L'Ametlla del Vallés, near Barcelona, where an ashram has been created, a place of intense spiritual practice.
Life in the ashram consists of daily meditation practice, hatha yoga, study, recitation, mantras singing, karma yoga (disinterested service) and a simple life of contemplation and silence.
This year Advaitavidya has decided to take a further step and to move his ashram to nature, a seclusion and contemplation place where we can live in a self-sustainable way in harmony with the natural environment and the nearby population.

¡This place has been found!
It is located in northwest of Zamora, in the Aliste region, one of the most depopulated areas of the Iberian Peninsula. It is near a village of thirty inhabitants, situated in an extraordinary rural environment of silence, very appropriate for introspection and study.
It has acquired a land with several buildings:
- a house with capacity for more than fifty people, made of natural materials and with great care and respect for the environment, and ready to be supplied by renewable energies;
- a second building perfect for the meditation room; and
- a third building to house the large library.

The purpose is to create there the new community ashram, which will welcome those people who have a deep interest in yogic and contemplation life.
To do so, it will provide open lessons, the possibility of consulting and visiting the library, spending a few days of retirement or attending seminars and thematic retirements.
On the other hand, the community is based on sustainability and nature, so it will be supplied by renewable energies and a large eco vegetable garden, so that it can live in a simple way in harmony with the environment. It also looks for interaction and cooperation with the population and surrounding projects, in order to regain the area's economic activity.

Why this campaign?
We need to get the necessary funding in order to launch the ashram with the following work to do:
- Remodeling the site for the library. The ashram has an extensive library on Hinduism, with over 15,000 books, which require an appropriate space for their conservation and use. Probably it is one of the largest libraries in Spain on this subject. This 100 m2 building will also have a consultation and study room.
- Remodeling the second building of 200 m2 to become the meditation and teaching room.
- The community put faith in self-sustainability and it will be supplied by renewable energy sources. Solar panels and batteries system will be set up, and an efficient heating system too.
We invite you to participate in this project. All of us can make this space of light and self-knowledge a reality!
Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign
Kailas Ashram is a site of intense yoga practice, meditation, service and study that seeks to live in a simple and harmonious way with nature and environment.
From this place in the province of Zamora, which is in a great depopulation process, we intend to contribute to the area's repopulation and to collaborate in its economic dynamisation by creating new jobs, making the area known to people interested in a yogic and contemplation life.
For over 13 years, we have been supporting this project of dissemination and practice of this conscious way of live through the organisation of seminars, talks and retirements about self-knowledge; receiving donations and the disinterested work of many people who support us. We are endorsed by hundreds of in-person and online activities and a professional team that is very committed to life values based on simplicity, respect and desire to cooperate to make this world a fairer and more harmonious place to live for all beings.
We are a non-profit organization with the aim of offering this site and its activities to all interested people and allocating all revenues generated for its maintenance.

We own the place since March 2022 and we have rehabilitated the main building:
- with the capacity to accommodate more than fifty people
- which has got a well-equipped industrial kitchen,
- a large dining room,
- community bathrooms and adapted bathrooms,
- offices and
- a small living room.
Now we need your cooperation to rehabilitate the other buildings that will make this site a perfect place for contemplation and study.
1) Meditation and teaching room
- To repair the roof
- Input and filtration of rainwater on the terrace and laying of tiles.
- To repair the vault
- Switching windows and doors by insulating wood
- Build welcome and shoe/space for personal objects
- Installation home boiler and radiators
- Change location of indoor gate to room
- Isolating and installing pladur and insulating cork in the roof
- Inner paint
- Isolating and installing cork on the ground
- Outside paint
- Furnish welcome space (coffee shop)
- Furnish library space
- Illumination
- Interior decoration and curtains installation

2) Library
July 15 to September 15
Space isolation and remodeling
Closing and isolating roof
Beam varnish
Levelling and isolating the floor with cork
Change of doors and windows for other insulators and efficient
Study room construction with pladur
Inner paint
Outside paint
Lighting and furniture
Take look aquí how the library will look like!

3) Complete renewal of renewable energies and batteries system
(September 15 to 30)
- Installing solar panels, batteries, and thermal panels reconditioning
- To build cottage for new firewood boiler
- Firewood boiler installation

Why this is important
We are motivated by a more harmonic with nature, communitarian, simple and sustainable life model and we believe that this is possible in a rural environment.
The chosen place has got all the appropriate characteristics to develop a community based on yoga foundations and intense practice and study.
All people who want to know and deepen the traditional yoga path are invited to this unique place of teaching with a traditional teacher, meditation practice, recitation, singing, hatha yoga, contemplation and study.
In addition, we will organize the large library, with over 15,000 volumes, bringing all this wisdom to scholars, who will find unique books on this primordial yoga tradition.

Team and experience
Advaitavidya (advaitavidya.org) is a Hindu community with the guidance and the teaching of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Since its foundation, more than thirteen years ago, it has offered a large number of activities: talks, seminars, workshops and retirements, in-person and online, so that the teaching can reach everyone. It has also created a Hindu-themed publisher, called Advaitavidya Editions, and a public-access video-teaching channel, Advaitavidya Videos, among many other initiatives.
Over the past six years, in Kailas Ashram near Barcelona, a community of people living in this way has been created, which has helped to keep this yoga tradition alive.

In this new phase, this community is committed to make a great leap and to move to a new property location in nature, starting a much more contemplative phase.
Who we are

Swami Satyananda Saraswati is a Hindu monk and teacher. He was initiated as a monk in 1980 and his teacher encouraged him to create and coordinate several ashrams (spiritual practice sites) in Europe. He has lived in India for over 30 years dedicated to study and contemplation. Encouraged by his devotees wishing to receive his direct guidance on the spiritual path, he returned to Spain in 2009. Since then, he regularly and directly shares his deep knowledge of Hindu tradition, yoga philosophy, advaita-vedanta and Shivaism of Kashmir, from his own experience and how it has been traditionally transmitted since millennia: from teacher to disciple.

The current community has got a team of more than 40 people who collaborate and have experience in various areas related to support the project: architects, engineers, electrician, carpenter, gardener, beekeeper, teachers, forestry agent, manager, cultural manager, historians, journalists, lawyers, therapists, yoga teachers... and a group of people with extensive experience in maintaining such a center.
In addition, there is a team of more than 70 people around the world who support and assist with the management and development of activities.
The first phase of the project, the rehabilitation of the main building, is finished!
• It was three months of hard work that filled us with joy and good moments. From this experience, we continue with the second phase, when we need your cooperation in order to finish the whole building refurbishment! Most of the work will be done by ourselves with the help of expert friends who advise us and come to give us a hand when it moves away from our area of expertise. On other occasions, we contract professionals in the area such as Alberto, neighbor and boiler installer; as Luís, who has offered us wonderful tailor-made windows; Alejandro, who will install solar panela; Lito, who will help us with the construction, etc. All of them have shown us that they value and support this project as one of us!