By Social Market we understand a production, distribution and consumption network, developed by consumers and solidarity economy compañies, that retails goods and services produced with ethical, democratic, ecological and solidarity values, by locally based companies.
We aim to develop instruments and tools that will help us to inter-cooperate and to promote mutual support among consumers, dealers and companies seeking for global responses, from our role as economic agents. Some of this tools, in which we are already working, are a web to provide information and awareness to consumers, the building of participatory certification tools, the introduction of complementary currencies in local markets and the promotion of faires and meeting places between consumers, distributors and producers.
The products that are distributed in this social market meet three characteristics. They are socially useful, environmentally sustainable and have been produced in a fairly and democratic way. Moreover, we understand the social market as a tool that generates collective learning, social relationships and innovative projects.
The goal of the project is to develop intercooperation tools diferentes between responsable producers, distributors and consumers involved in the Social Market. The most important characteristics of this projects are:
To promote local structures of consumption and distribution of goods and services produced with social and environmental criterion, compose by producers and consumers, helping direct comunication and selling.
Developing a distribution network that links the local social markets, ofering products and services common to each of them as financial and insurance services, or fair trade, cultural or free software products. For that, the main tool it's the website, a site to give information and awareness about responsible and sustainable consumption and a on-line shop to shell the products offered by the social companies involved in the social market.
Empower the creation and developing of solidarity and social economy enterprises, that promotes the holistic development of the people, access to employ for people with fewer opportunities, cooperation, enviromental issues include in the production processes and focus on local sustainable development.
Developing innovative tools that allow us to explore new economic ways, alternative to the actual economic system, that will benefit social development. Some exemples in which we are already working are: complementary currencies development, participative certification, new chanels for comunication and awareness for responsible prodeucers and consumers, that helps to sustainable and local consumption.
To everyone that thinks we have to strenth a space for exchage of good and services under Social and Solidarity Economy Principles.
There are lots of us that have been working already to arose this idea and we think is now time to make it operative and accesible to everyone in order to give it all its potential.
The Alternative and Solidarity Network ( birth in 1995 from a group of entities with a long history in the promotion of economic iniciatives that aims to give answers to social inclusion and local sustainable development, because of the necesity to work togather in order to achieve better results and to face barriers. REAS actually is a non-profit organization that links more than 230 companies that work with solidarity economy values (employment, equity, cooperation, non-profit, sustainability and linked with their communities), in 11 local and sectorial networks.
The Social Market is one of our main strategic lines since more than five year, in coooperation with other entities, networks and social movements. In the developing of the social markets there are actually more than 80 companies involved, that are spending some of their economic and human resources, and people that make voluntary work in order to achieve our goals.