Contributing $ 213
Heartfelt thanks
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
> 22 Co-financiers
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Staging Humanity
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.
Queridos mecenas,
Es difícil encontrar tiempo para todo aquí, pero creo que ya es hora de mandar novedades del proyecto.
La situación en Nea Kavala ha estado muy cambiante. Durante algunas semanas cada día marchaban muchas personas del campamento. Se fueron a pisos repartidos por todo el país. Lamentablemente muchos no estaban muy contentos aunque en la mayoría de los casos, no en todos, se iban a viviendas con mayores comodidades. El problema de esta nueva situación es el aislamiento y la falta de actividades. No pueden empezar una nueva vida, porque aún están a la espera de su destino final y, a diferencia del campamento, no tienen ninguna actividad diaria ni el apoyo de la comunidad. Además les avisan de la mudanza con menos de 24 horas de antelación y aún en la puerta del campamento, esperando a ser recogidos, con sus pocas pertenencias delante, no saben a donde van... Ya se los dirá el chofer…
Ahora empezó a llegar al campamento personas refugiadas de las islas, todas muy decepcionadas porque llegan con la idea de ir a Tesalónica y se encuentran en un campamento perdido en la nada.. Muchas de las personas son de África. Actualmente conviven en el campamento unas 350 personas con algo así como 15 lenguas maternas diferentes.
Todas estas circunstancias influyen por supuesto mucho en el proyecto pero intentamos integrarlas lo mejor posible y adaptar las propuestas a ellas.
La semana pasada hicimos una performance en Nea Kavala para dar la bienvenida a las personas nuevas que llegaron. El vídeo que se grabó lamentablemente no es muy bueno. Comparto algunas fotos del ensayo general y de la performance y el vídeo con el que empezamos la performance.
Ayer hicimos la primera sesión de teatro en Tesalónica con personas de diferentes campamentos. Asistieron unos 16 jóvenes y se lo pasaron genial. Los jóvenes de Nea Kavala estaban particularmente felices de salir del campamento, conocer a otra gente, jugar y crear juntos y dar después una vuelta por la ciudad. A pesar de llevar más de un año en el campamento, la mayoría de ellos no conocían la ciudad, a solo una hora del campamento, porque no tienen dinero para el transporte. Estaban muy excitados y agradecidos por la oportunidad.
Ahora preparamos otra performance para el viernes con la ocasión de una fiesta de cocinas tradicionales de las personas de Nea Kavala.
Pronto más..
¡Un abrazo!
Dear patrons,
it is difficult to find time for everything here, but I think it is time to send news of the project.
The situation in Nea Kavala has been very changing. During some weeks every day many people left the camp. They went to flats scattered all over the country. Unfortunately many people were not happy although they went to homes with more comfort (in most cases but not all). The problem of this new situation is the isolation and the lack of activities. They cannot start a new life, because they are still waiting for their final destination, and unlike the camp, they have no daily activity or support from their community. In addition, they advise them of the move less than 24 hours in advance and even at the door of the camp, waiting to be picked up, with their few belongings by them, they do not know where they are going ... The driver will tell them...
Now refugees began to arrive to the camp from the islands, all very disappointed because they think they are going to Thessaloniki and they arrive to this camp in no man’s land ... Many of the people are from Africa. Currently there are about 350 people, with maybe 15 different mother tongues living in the camp.
All these circumstances of course have a big influence on the project, but we try to integrate them as well as possible and adapt the proposals to them.
Last week we made a performance in Nea Kavala to welcome the new people who arrived. The video of the performance is unfortunately not very good. I share some photos of the general rehearsal and of the performance and the video with which we started the performance.
Yesterday we did the first theatre session in Thessaloniki with people from different camps. 16 young persons participated and they had a great time. The ones of Nea Kavala were particularly happy to leave the camp, meet other people, play and create together and then go for a walk around the city. Despite having spent more than a year in the camp, most of them did not know the city, which is only one hour from the camp, because they do not have money for the transport. They were very excited and grateful for the opportunity.
Now we are preparing another performance for Friday with the occasion of a traditional kitchens party in Nea Kavala.
Soon more new…
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Heartfelt thanks
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.
> 22 Co-financiers
Internet thanks
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.
> 32 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.
> 10 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report and texts submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.
> 12 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process) submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.
> 02 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.
> 04 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.
> 02 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.
> 00 Co-financiers
Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission + exclusive creation submission
A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.
> 00 Co-financiers
Translations of Arabic and Kurdish texts into Spanish, English and Danish.