¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 16 / 07 / 2019
$ 63,601
$ 53,179
$ 276,528
59 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    • Un abrazo digital fuerte
    • Shout out en Facebook

    Importante: A todos quienes nos apoyen en este crowdfunding les enviaremos un mail con las indicaciones de donde y cuando retirar su recompensa, después que termine la campaña.

    • A big digital hug
    • A shout out on Facebook
    • Important: To all those who support us in this crowdfunding we will send you an email with how you will get your reward after the campaign ends
    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    buenos amigos
    • Un abrazo digital fuerte
    • Shout out en Facebook
    • Nota / poema escrito de agradecimiento por uno de nuestros miembro

    Importante: A todos quienes nos apoyen en este crowdfunding les enviaremos un mail con las indicaciones de donde y cuando retirar su recompensa, después que termine la campaña.

    • A big digital hug
    • A shout out on Facebook
    • Note / poem written by one of our community members
    • Important: To all those who support us in this crowdfunding we will send you an email with how you will get your reward after the campaign ends
    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,489

    grandes amigos
    • Un abrazo digital fuerte
    • Shout out en Facebook
    • Nota / poema escrito de agradecimiento por uno de nuestros miembro
    • Tú nombre / logotipo en nuestro sitio web por 1 mes

    Importante: A todos quienes nos apoyen en este crowdfunding les enviaremos un mail con las indicaciones de donde y cuando retirar su recompensa, después que termine la campaña.

    • A big digital hug
    • A shout out on Facebook
    • Note / poem written by one of our community members
    • Your name or logo on our website for one month
    • Important: To all those who support us in this crowdfunding we will send you an email with how you will get your reward after the campaign ends
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Mejores Amigos


    • 1 x Shout out en nuestro FB & Instagram


    • SINGA T-shirt (impreso por un colectivo de refugiados)
    • Nota / poema escrito de agradecimiento por uno de nuestros miembro

    Importante: A todos quienes nos apoyen en este crowdfunding les enviaremos un mail con las indicaciones de donde y cuando retirar su recompensa, después que termine la campaña.


    • 1 x Shout outs on FB & Instagram (for 2 months)


    • SINGA T-shirt (printed by a refugee collective)
    • Thank you note / written poem from one of our community members
    • Important: To all those who support us in this crowdfunding we will send you an email with how you will get your reward after the campaign ends
    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    Amigos para siempre (BFF)


    • 3 x Shout out en nuestro FB & Instagram (durante 6 semanas)


    • 1 x Sesión personalizada de Mentoría (1 sesión) para ti o tu empresa
    • SINGA T-shirt (impreso por un colectivo de refugiados)
    • Sesión de fotos para ti o tu empresa o 10% de descuento para utilizar cualquiera de nuestros servicios de consultoría SINGA STUDIOS.
    • **También puede decidir donar su recompensa a un miembro de nuestra comunidad

    Importante: A todos quienes nos apoyen en este crowdfunding les enviaremos un mail con las indicaciones de donde y cuando retirar su recompensa, después que termine la campaña.


    • 3 x Shout outs on FB & Instagram (for 2 months)


    • 1 x Personalised Mentoring session for you or your company
    • SINGA T-shirt (printed by a refugee collective)
    • Thank you note / written poem from one of our community members
    • Important: To all those who support us in this crowdfunding we will send you an email with how you will get your reward after the campaign ends
    • **You can also decide donate your reward to a member of our community
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    ¡Somos una familia!


    • Tú logotipo en nuestro sitio web por 6 meses
    • 5 x Shout out en FB & Instagram (durante 2 meses)
    • Tú logotipo en el video general de SINGA LABS


    • Un taller de diversidad y creatividad sobre un reto que eliges tú.
    • También una sesión de fotos para ti o tu empresa o 15% de descuento para utilizar cualquiera de nuestros servicios de consultoría SINGA STUDIO.
    • SINGA T-shirt (impreso por un colectivo de refugiados)
    • Nota / poema escrito de agradecimiento por uno de nuestros miembros
    • **También puede decidir donar su recompensa a un miembro de nuestra comunidad.

    Importante: A todos quienes nos apoyen en este crowdfunding les enviaremos un mail con las indicaciones de donde y cuando retirar su recompensa, después que termine la campaña.


    • Logo on our website for 6 months
    • 5 x Shout outs on FB & Instagram (for 2 months)
    • Your logo in the general SINGA LABS video


    • A diversity and/or creativity workshop about a challenge of your choice.
    • Photography (1 session) OR 15% discount on any of our consulting services offered by SINGA STUDIOS.
    • SINGA T-shirt (printed by a refugee collective)
    • Thank you note / written poem from one of our community members
    • Important: To all those who support us in this crowdfunding we will send you an email with how you will get your reward after the campaign ends
    • **You can also decide donate your reward to a member of our community
    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Support the dream of refugees, migrants and local entrepreneurs with SINGA LABS

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Insumos, herramientas
Transporte, herramientas, elementos de librería y materiales para todos los participantes
$ 53,179
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Difusión del programa
Convocatoria a participantes por medios digitales y publicidad campaña por RRSS y web. Diseño gráfico, Fotografías y videos
$ 53,179
Dinamizadores de talleres
Expertos en innovación para apoyar los emprendedores
$ 106,357
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Sede para la realización de las jornadas de incubación
$ 63,814
Total $ 53,179 $ 276,528

General information

At SINGA Labs we dream of a world where everyone can reach their full potential, no matter where they come from. We are therefore creating a high quality incubator that encourages refugees, migrants and local people to collaborate and create a more sustainable and inclusive future together. We will accompany participants through a collaborative and creative process for 6 months, taking their ideas to the market, transforming them into leaders of future companies.

Your support can transform their dreams into reality. Will you help us?

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The main objective of the project is to create a collaborative space where refugee entrepreneurs, migrants and locals find support, acquire skills, connections with resources and collaborations to generate successful businesses and social cohesion and accompany 25 entrepreneurs in the Northern Zone of Barcelona and 25 in the Raval , which are some of the neighborhoods with the highest rate of migrants and the most vulnerable in the city.

Our objectives are:

  • Creating links between refugees, migrants and local people and companies in the region.
  • Narrative change ("them" to "we" = refugees, migrants, locals)
  • Promoting social and professional integration of new arrivals (refugees / migrants).
  • Concrete contribution to the local economy and job creation.
  • Social impact through the creation of social and sustainable enterprises.

The program will focus on supporting 50 entrepreneurs (60% migrant and 40% locals) to develop their projects, while providing participants with the skills and guidance so they can create new sustainable businesses that contribute to the local economy, or that can help them collaborate with existing organizations. SINGA Labs will follow innovative methodologies such as Design Thinking and lean startup and will focus on providing training and support on business, technology, sustainability and personal development issues to entrepreneurs.

How does it work

  • 6 sessions for each project : Where we develop the projects using Design Thinking and other creative methodologies.
  • 6 personal sessions: Focused on their personal development, taking them from a 'learner' to leader.
  • 6 test cycles: Where we test concepts with clients and get feedback from menntors to ensure successful project.
  • A network of mentors, companies and organizations supporting the projects
  • Lots of new collaborators, co-creators, and FRIENDS

Why this is important

In the world 68.5 million of people were forced to flee their country and leave their dreams there behind. They arrive in their new country and find themselves in precarious or low-skilled jobs, and are seen as invaders to the place of collaborators. We exist to change this situation. Because we all have dreams and we should all have the opportunity to realize them and because we go much further when we go together.

The leaders and companies of the future are inclusive, multicultural, and sustainable. That is why we create links between refugees, migrants and local people, so that together we can overcome these obstacles and create more diverse societies, where dreams come true.


Team and experience

In 2012, SINGA was born in France and has already expanded to more than 2,000 members in 7 countries around the world. In 2016, SIGNA created its first incubator program in Paris (?) called Finkela. By 2017, 25 projects and around 35 businesses had been brought together through the incubator. The projects maturation phase included the formalization of the projects idea, initial contact with the market and ideally, the beginning of the pilot phase. Of the 25 initial projects, 20 went through the 6-month incubation process, 17 (85%) of whom also created a legal structure. To add, 11 had successfully generated income by the end of the incubation period ( 55% window or subsidized revenue), 8 (40%) had become ( or depending on the project are in the process of becoming) financially self-sufficient and 7 have already been able to hire paid employees and/or appendices. In addition to the program in France, there are incubators in Germany (17 incubator entrepreneurs since 2017), Switzerland (33 incubated entrepreneurs since 2018) and one being implemented in Italy. At a global level, our organization implemented the incubation program in 4 countries, generating more than 200 sustainable businesses and 300 employees.
SINGA Barcelona started in December of 2018. Since then it has carried out 15 events in the areas of training, interculturality and social activities in collaboration with over 9 organizations and has already expanding it’s community to more than 200 people.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.