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Salvem CineCiutat!

Finished 27 / 06 / 2020
€ 80.913
€ 32.530
€ 429.180
1260 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Thank you!
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
    > 98 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    • Two tickets.
    • A badge or poster *
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    *The article will be selected at random by the CineCiutat team.

    > 250 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Protected Cinephile
    • A personalized mask.
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 64 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    • A totebag.
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 259 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Digital Cinephile MUBI
    • 1 month subscription to MUBI.
    • 1 totebag.
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 47 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Digital Cinephile
    • 3 months of basic Filmin subscription
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Mostra OUT!
    • A T-shirt.
    • A pack of 4 tickets for Mostra OUT! 2020, as well as an invitation for the opening gala.
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    “The Movie Classics" flip book
    • 1 limited edition flip book "The Movie Classics"
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Majordocs Festival
    • 1 voucher for 4 screenings of the festival
    • 1 T-shirt
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35

    Duplex Cinema
    • 1 year membership DUPLEX (Tickets always at a special price -4€-, a free welcome ticket, a free ticket for every 10 and a reduced ticket at NUMAX)
    • 1 totebag
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35

    5-ticket pass
    • A 5-ticket pass for premiere movies (not events)
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 45

    "The Movie Classics" flip book and T-shirt
    • 1 limited edition flip book "The Movie Classics"
    • 1 T-shirt 

    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Premium Cinephile
    • A totebag.
    • A T-shirt.
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 265 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Zumzeig Cine-Cooperativa
    • 1 year membership as “Friend of Zumzeig” (6 cinema tickets, discounts on the rest of the tickets, promotions and discounts at the bar and similar entities and membership of the assembly of friends of the Zumzeig)
    • 1 totebag
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 59

    Cinemes Girona
    • 1 annual subscription to "El Club" -until 31/7/21- (premieres at 5,50€, Casa Asia screenings for 1€ and discounts in opera and ballet)
    • 1 totebag
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 60

    10-ticket pass
    • A 10-ticket pass for premiere movies (not events)
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75

    Majordocs Festival Premium
    • 1 festival accreditation (activities, projections, master classes, meetings and opening and closing galas)
    • 1 totebag
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Personalised "The Movie Classics" flip book
    • 1 limited edition CUSTOMIZED flip book "The Movie Classics”
    • 1 T-shirt
    • 1 totebag
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 115

    Digital Cinephile MUBI Premium
    • 1 year subscription to MUBI.
    • 1 MUBI flipbook from Paris Texas
    • 1 MUBI totebag
    • 1 T-shirt
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 120

    Festival Atlàntida!
    • A totebag.
    • A T-shirt.
    • Two tickets to the opening of the Atlantida Film Festival 2020.
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

      (foto ISAAC BUJ)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    EMIFF festival!
    • A totebag.
    • A T-shirt.
    • A double festival pass for Evolution! Mallorca International Film Festival 2020 (includes access for two people to every screeing, the Producers’ Club and the opening and closing ceremonies)
    • Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Part of the family
    • One-year membership to CineCiutat with all its advantages (12 free tickets, rest of the tickets at 4 euros, discounts on events and theatre rentals and owning a cinema!)
    • A totebag.
    • One t-shirt.
    • Your name highlighted on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    > 90 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 350

    Just like at home
    • A T-shirt.
    • Use a CineCiutat screening room for whatever you want *.
    • Your name highlighted on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

      (Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    *private use only; date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 350

    Advertiser (Enterprises)
    • Advertise your company in one of our screening rooms for a month.
    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Just like at home Premium
    • Use a CineCiutat screening room for whatever you want
    • In addition, one-year membership to CineCiutat with all its advantages (12 free tickets, rest of the tickets at 4 euros, discounts on events and theatre rentals and owning a cinema!)
    • A totebag.
    • One t-shirt.
    • Your name highlighted on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.

    (Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)

    *private use only; date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Your company in CineCiutat
    • Use a CineCiutat room for your company (events, presentations, gifts to your employees...)* CineCiutat is your home!
    • Also, your company's name on the list of thanks for saving CineCiutat.

    *Date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Your company in CineCiutat Premium
    • Use a CineCiutat room for your company (events, presentations, gifts to your employees...)
    • An advertisement for 2 months.
    • Also, your company's name highlighted on the list of thanks for saving CineCiutat.

    *Date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 4.000

    Screen 4 is yours!
    • For a whole year, put your company name in screen 4*, with 67 seats.
    • Put an ad in that screening room for a year.
    • Also, your company's name highlighted on the list of thanks for saving CineCiutat.

    *All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 6.000

    Screen 3 is yours!
    • For a whole year, put your company name in screen 3*, with 73 seats.
    • Put an ad in that screening room for a year.
    • Also, your company's name highlighted on the list of thanks for saving CineCiutat.

    *All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10.000

    The big screen is yours!
    • For a whole year, put your company name in screen 2*, with 221 seats.
    • Put an ad in that screening room for a year.
    • Also, your company's name highlighted on the list of thanks for saving CineCiutat.

    *All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name

    > 01 Co-financiers


29 | 06 | 2020

THANK YOU! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And always thank you!

You've done it. Again. In 2012 you made history: "Salvem els Renoir!" and re-opened a cinema in the midst of a crisis so that it would be a cinema "and sometimes theatre; school and memories; ideas and innovation; culture, environment and social commitment; a cinema self-managed by its members". A project that has travelled and inspired from Cannes to Venice and Berlin; from Cluj to Mexico City; from Bogota to Tangier. And it belongs to you.

Eight years later, affected by an old reality that still did not favour the growth of projects like ours despite their public support, you have done it again. “Salvem CineCiutat!", we said, and you responded. You responded so well.

On February 12th at midnight we launched the campaign and four months later, last Friday, you gave us an ending -of course- like in the movies. The perfect finale to 136 days of adventure in which you have not stopped showing us your love and support, reaching the unthinkable figure of 80,913 euros from 1,260 different people. THANK YOU!

With the hangover of the effort and, above all, the joy, besides thanking you, we write to tell you that the best starts now. As we announced in the last post, the idea is to reopen the cinema next July 24th. So we have started the process to start the reforms and, of course, the production and delivery of your well-deserved rewards.

The first steps are being taken to finish the bureaucratic and accounting process linked to campaigns of this kind (we know, nothing very exciting, but necessary). Once finished, we will know exactly how much money we will have available to undertake the reforms. At the same time we are asking for the final budgets for the improvements to be made and the production of our beloved t-shirts, totebags, masks... This is moving!

As always, we will keep you informed of any progress, as well as news, delivery dates... All the way to the CineCiutat that allows us to keep dreaming.

Thanks for dreaming with us.


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