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Gregal Ecodesign - Swimwear made with nets and plastics extracted from the bottom of the sea

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Finished 30 / 07 / 2021
$ 43,514
$ 38,619
$ 113,681
38 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Digital panel of collaborators

    We will include your name in the panel of collaborators that we will enable on our website

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/10eur-panel-de-colaborador.jpg)

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 435

    Commitment to sustainability

    We will send you a personalized card to thank you personally for your collaboration and we will add your name in the project post .

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/20eur-.jpg)

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544

    Masterclass Yoga

    Si aportas 25 € te llevarás una tarjeta personalizada dándote las gracias por apoyar el proyecto y una sesión online de yoga preparada especialmente para los donantes de Gregal EcoDesign con una de las mejores maestras yogi que hay en Madrid, Marlise Calderón.

    Aportar desgrava: calcula tu % aquí.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 761

    Bikini Bag

    We will send you a personalized card to thank you for your collaboration and an organic cotton bikini bag perfect for this summer.

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/35eur-bikini-bag.jpg)

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,088

    Tote Bag

    We will send you a personalized card to thank your collaboration and a reusable Tote bag made of organic cotton with an original Gregal EcoDesign design handcrafted by Crudo Sostenible

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/50eur-tote-bag.jpg)

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,523

    Support for local crafts

    Personalized thank you card and handmade earrings made with recycled pet from Lucía de Gustin

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,176

    Rural commitment

    Visit to the atelier , visit by Artana and a Valencian paella menu for 2 at El Chato Restaurant, in Artana.

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/100eur-4.jpg)

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,264

    Dress in mediterranean

    Visit to the Gregal Ecodesign atelier , espadrilles workshop and choose the Gregal Swim that you like the most.

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/150eur.jpg)

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,439

    Create your own swimsuit

    Visit our atelier in Artana and we will do a personalized workshop for you to learn how to make your own bikini with sustainable materials.

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,527

    Your collection

    You will appear on the web as a sponsor of the collection and you will be able to name one of the swimsuits as you like .

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,879


    You will appear on the web as sponsor of the collection and you will be able to put the name you want to one of the swimsuits , in addition, you will be able to choose the Gregal EcoDesign swimsuit that you like the most and you will support to the creation of a pop up event where we will present the collection together with other Spanish sustainable fashion brands.

    Contribute tax relief: calculate your% [here] (https://goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 00 Co-financiers

Día Mundial del Medioambiente

05 | 06 | 2021

El 5 de junio es el #DíaMundialDelMedioambiente y queremos mostraros algunos datos 😉

¿Sabes los beneficios de reciclar poliéster para el medioambiente?

1- Transformar el poliéster en poliéster reciclado genera un 75% menos de emisiones de CO2 y requiere menos energía que el poliéster virgen.

2- Su fabricación no requiere extracción de nuevo petróleo.

3- Tiene una huella ambiental muchísimo menor.

4- Disminuye la cantidad de residuo.

5- Ayuda a potenciar los nuevos flujos de materias recicladas.

En resumen, reduce el impacto ecológico y es mejor para el planeta y el cambio climático.

¿No crees que es el momento de apostar por el planeta?



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