A postcard with images of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.
We will send a JPEG digital file with high resolution images of the daily life of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero, where Radio Zapata is broadcasted. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 10 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 8
Two postcards with pictures of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.
We will send two digital high-resolution JPEG files with images of daily life of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero, where Radio Zapata is broadcasted. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 09 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 17
A map of social and environmental problems of the state of Guerrero.
We'll send you a map with a high resolution JPEG file that lets you view the serious problems affecting the State of Guerrero. This includes conservation areas controlled by the State and socio-environmentally destructive megaprojects such as hydroelectric dams and mining areas. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 09 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 25
A map of social and environmental problems of the state of Guerrero and a postcard with images of communities Na savi and Me'phaa
We'll send you a map with a high resolution JPEG file that lets you view the serious problems affecting the State of Guerrero. This includes conservation areas controlled by the State and socio-environmentally destructive megaprojects such as hydroelectric dams and mining areas. You will also receive a postcard with images of the communities and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page
> 04 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 34
: A map and three postcards with pictures of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.
We will send digital file in the Guerrero state map plus three cards with photographs and messages from the communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 42
: Audio Campaign "Moving Mountains and endurance for life, roots of hope", plus all of the above.
We will send you a digital audio file of the campaign: "Moving Mountains and endurance for life, roots of hope." This contains 11 radio bulletins made in a collective process of learning and sharing knowledge between Radio Zapata and other community radios in the state of Guerrero. We will also send you the map of Guerrero; your three postcards with images of Na'savi and Me'phaa communities, and your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page
> 08 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 84
Pancho Villa Package
This package includes the CD of the "Mountains in resistance movement and life, roots of hope" plus five printed postcards of Na'savi and Me'phaa communities. In addition we will send the digital map of Guerrero and your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 02 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 168
Package Ricardo Flores Magon
This package includes a packet with information and photographs of Indigenous Na'Savi and Me'phaa communities and the history of Radio Zapata, three stickers and three postcards with images of the communities and the radio station, and a CD of the "Moving Mountains and resistance life, roots of hope. " In addition, we will send you a digital file with the map of Guerrero, and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 03 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 252
General Emiliano Zapata Package
This package includes a T-shirt with images of the social struggle of Guerrero, a packet with information and photographs, five stickers, and five postcards with images of the communities and a CD of the radio campaign. In addition, we will send you a digital file with the map of Guerrero and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 420
Invitation to personally visit Radio Zapata (2 people); plus General Emiliano Zapata package
We invite you and one more person to visit Radio Zapata. They may participate in the daily activities of Radio Zapata and live with the people that give life to this community space. The invitation includes lodging and meals for five days in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero and round-trip travel from Mexico City to the communities. You need to bring a sleeping bag and hiking shoes. For a harmonious journey, it is crucial that you stick to the established rules of community life. Each will receive the General Emiliano Zapata package and we will also send them a digital map of Guerrero. Their names or organization will appear on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 841
We invite you and four others to visit Radio Zapata. They may participate in the daily activities of Radio Zapata and live with the people that give life to this community space. The invitation includes lodging and meals for five days in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero and round-trip travel from Mexico City to the communities. You need to bring a sleeping bag and hiking shoes. For a harmonious journey, it is crucial that you stick to the established rules of community life. Each will receive the General Emiliano Zapata package and we will also send them a digital map of Guerrero. Their names or organization will appear on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
With the funds raised, electronic equipment will be repaired and materials will be purchased to replace what was damaged beyond repair.
£ 2,102
Acquire a retransmitter
With this equipment, you can move the radio booth to different communities and thus increase people’s participation on the radio.
£ 2,102
Purchase computer equipment
With this material, the community space donated by the community of Buena Vista, will be equipped as an area for research and radio productions, and to enhance learning.
£ 3,363
Install satellite internet
Placement service will be hired and the equipment will be rented for a year. This will allow for better information sources for research and better documented information on the radio.
£ 2,522
Restore space for workshops.
The necessary material for restoring this community space will be acquired. This includes wood, metal, cement, sand, gravel, rods and electrical wiring. The construction work will be done by members of the communities through voluntary work.
£ 841
Prepare a working plan for the community research space
Activities will be planned for the promotors to organize within the community space during one year. This work plan will be established by both the CICC and the 21 communities through working groups and workshops.
£ 420
Elaborar el plan de trabajo del espacio comunitario de investigación.
En él se establecerán aquellas actividades que los promotores van a desarrollar en el espacio comunitario durante un año. Éste se construirá de forma conjunta entre el CICC y las 21 comunidades a través de mesas de trabajo y talleres.
Zapata Radio 94.1 FM is a community radio born in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlan, in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. This community media project is the result of a year of reflection in the assemblies of 22 indigenous communities. Broadcasting began on November 15, 2014 and the radio was inaugurated on April 10, 2015, when it was heard in 21 municipalities in the Costa Chica and Montaña region of Guerrero.
Last June, 2015, Tropical Storm Carlos, which evolved into a Category I hurricane, destroyed much of the equipment and facilities at Radio Zapata, as well as the roof of the community health center. In response to this situation, the community assemblies decided to rebuild the radio. However, up until now they have only been able to rebuild a small part of the radio’s equipment and the roof of the health center through community volunteer efforts, therefore it has been impossible to resume broadcasting.
Radio Zapata is not only a means of communication, but also an area of vital importance to the dissemination and revitalization of indigenous language and culture. Above all, it is a crucial element for the organization and defense of the community, as it is located in one of the most marginalized regions hit by the structural violence that exists in Guerrero.
We need to join efforts to revive the community work of the radio, which is why Radio Zapata and CICC invite you to participate in this collective campaign. With your help we can raise the funds needed to restore the radio and thus contribute to the work of Na'Savi and Me'phaa communities of the Montaña region of Guerrero, in producing their own media, deciding its content and giving life to their community radio.
Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign
Zapata Radio is a media project that seeks to contribute to collective reflection by sharing information of various kinds, with the aim of reversing the conditions of marginalization and extreme violence that exists in the region. In this sense, Radio Zapata aims to provide radio programming in Spanish and various Indigenous languages with five basic objectives:
To serve as a space for communication and community outreach.
To revitalize culture and the Ñamnkué (Amuzgo), Na'Savi (Mixtec), me'phaa (Tlapanec) and Nahuatl indigenous languages.
To provide cultural and educational alternatives as a means to eliminate violence.
To promote the integral development of communities by boosting local consumption and production.
To combat violence and discrimination against women and to provide reliable information on sexual and reproductive health.
With this project, the 21 municipalities that were previously able to tune into Radio Zapata will once again have this media outlet for sharing their memory, presenting their needs and organizing their communities.
Once regional transmission is restored, a community space with computer equipment and internet service will be set up. This is a fundamental tool for the collective radio production and communication related to the objectives of Radio Zapata as it will allow exchange with people from other countries, including some who have had the opportunity to learn about the project and share their experiences. The idea is also to expand this communication network to other organizations and geographies.
Radio Zapata is the second link in the construction of a larger regional community project called the Casa de Saberes (House of Knowledge), in which 22 communities of the region are involved. This community project seeks to solve various problems in the region through the strengthening of key areas such as access to health, the revitalization of Indigenous language and culture, access to information and the protection of historical memory, and strengthening the local market. This is work is carried out through autonomous, community-based thinking that characterizes these communities.
The restoration of Radio Zapata is essential to the continuation and strengthening this community dream.
Why this is important
Our main motivation arises from the conviction that is held by the peoples of the Radio Zapata, despite the conditions of poverty and marginalization in which they live. Far from surrendering to these issues, they remain facilitators and promoters of the organization and the practice of their collective rights in their communities. The support that the CICC will provide seeks to contribute to these long-term processes in order to strengthen forms of community life and build proposals while walking together as communities.
This invitation is addressed to all those noble hearts around the world who want to support the strengthening of the Indigenous peoples’ autonomy. To achieve this, it is essential to combine the efforts of all those who share the recognition of the organizational experience of Indigenous peoples, not only as a contribution to this region, state or country, but also as an example of dignity for humanity.
Goals of the crowdfunding campaign
Short term:
Reset radio broadcasts: With the funds raised, the transmission equipment that was damaged in June, 2015, will be repaired in order to resume Radio Zapata’s broadcasting .
Reconstruct the roof for workshop space: wood and sheet metal needed to re-roof and rehabilitate this community space will be acquired.
Acquire a re-transmitter: With this equipment, the radio booth can be moved around to different communities, thus increasing people’s participation on the radio.
In the medium term:
Acquire computer equipment and satellite internet: Community space donated by the community of Buena Vista will be set up and used as an area for research and radio productions.
Organize computer and internet workshops: To train the communication promoters of different communities.
Prepare a working plan for the community research space: this will be planned together with the communities.
Team and experience
The Integral Center for Community Media (CICC in Spanish) is a group of people who have a background in areas such as journalism, photography, linguistics, law, psychology, environment and social economy. Currently we are concentrating our efforts on supporting and strengthening community communication processes with indigenous peoples in the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca, Michoacan and the State of Mexico.
In 2010, we started a process of training and support for the communication commission of the Acapatzingo Housing Cooperative, located in one of the most marginalized regions of Mexico City. We worked on various areas in order to strengthen the capacity of the commission to investigate and disseminate relevant topics for the community and encourage critical reflection.
In 2012, young people of Na Savi, Me'phaa, Nahua, Ñamnkué and African descent, began a process of training to run a community media project in the Costa Chica - Montaña region of Guerrero. The accompaniment was completed with the creation of the community newspaper, La Luciérnaga.
In 2013, we began our accompaniment of Radio Zapata, where access to information relevant to the communities and the rescue of indigenous languages and culture were the main motives of the process.
In late 2015, we began the accompaniment of Nahua and Ñatho-Otomi peoples for the creation of a magazine and community radio in the State of Mexico.
Documentary film "Radio Zapata, Weaving Community from the Heart of the Mountain"
The CICC will prepare a documentary video of 30 minutes to show how the funds raised are being implemented. We will show the restoration of the radio booth and the space for workshops, and you will see how the communities use these tools to strengthen their organizational and cultural processes.
CC - Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike
Creative Commons License with attribution, that does not allow commercial use, and only allows sharing under identical licensing conditions
Streaming Radio Zapata through the website.
To obtain the optimal resource, streaming will be enabled on the CIPOG-EZ page in the Radio Zapata section. Thus, people from different regions, countries and geographies may continue to hear the voice of the people of the mountain.
Contributing £ 4
A postcard with images of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.
We will send a JPEG digital file with high resolution images of the daily life of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero, where Radio Zapata is broadcasted. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 10 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 8
Two postcards with pictures of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.
We will send two digital high-resolution JPEG files with images of daily life of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero, where Radio Zapata is broadcasted. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 09 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 17
A map of social and environmental problems of the state of Guerrero.
We'll send you a map with a high resolution JPEG file that lets you view the serious problems affecting the State of Guerrero. This includes conservation areas controlled by the State and socio-environmentally destructive megaprojects such as hydroelectric dams and mining areas. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 09 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 25
A map of social and environmental problems of the state of Guerrero and a postcard with images of communities Na savi and Me'phaa
We'll send you a map with a high resolution JPEG file that lets you view the serious problems affecting the State of Guerrero. This includes conservation areas controlled by the State and socio-environmentally destructive megaprojects such as hydroelectric dams and mining areas. You will also receive a postcard with images of the communities and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page
> 04 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 34
: A map and three postcards with pictures of the Na savi and Me'phaa communities in the mountains of Guerrero.
We will send digital file in the Guerrero state map plus three cards with photographs and messages from the communities of the Costa Chica and Montaña regions of Guerrero. Your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 42
: Audio Campaign "Moving Mountains and endurance for life, roots of hope", plus all of the above.
We will send you a digital audio file of the campaign: "Moving Mountains and endurance for life, roots of hope." This contains 11 radio bulletins made in a collective process of learning and sharing knowledge between Radio Zapata and other community radios in the state of Guerrero. We will also send you the map of Guerrero; your three postcards with images of Na'savi and Me'phaa communities, and your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page
> 08 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 84
Pancho Villa Package
This package includes the CD of the "Mountains in resistance movement and life, roots of hope" plus five printed postcards of Na'savi and Me'phaa communities. In addition we will send the digital map of Guerrero and your name will also be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 02 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 168
Package Ricardo Flores Magon
This package includes a packet with information and photographs of Indigenous Na'Savi and Me'phaa communities and the history of Radio Zapata, three stickers and three postcards with images of the communities and the radio station, and a CD of the "Moving Mountains and resistance life, roots of hope. " In addition, we will send you a digital file with the map of Guerrero, and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 03 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 252
General Emiliano Zapata Package
This package includes a T-shirt with images of the social struggle of Guerrero, a packet with information and photographs, five stickers, and five postcards with images of the communities and a CD of the radio campaign. In addition, we will send you a digital file with the map of Guerrero and your name will be written on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 420
Invitation to personally visit Radio Zapata (2 people); plus General Emiliano Zapata package
We invite you and one more person to visit Radio Zapata. They may participate in the daily activities of Radio Zapata and live with the people that give life to this community space. The invitation includes lodging and meals for five days in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero and round-trip travel from Mexico City to the communities. You need to bring a sleeping bag and hiking shoes. For a harmonious journey, it is crucial that you stick to the established rules of community life. Each will receive the General Emiliano Zapata package and we will also send them a digital map of Guerrero. Their names or organization will appear on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
Contributing £ 841
We invite you and four others to visit Radio Zapata. They may participate in the daily activities of Radio Zapata and live with the people that give life to this community space. The invitation includes lodging and meals for five days in the community of Buena Vista, in the municipality of San Luis Acatlán, Guerrero and round-trip travel from Mexico City to the communities. You need to bring a sleeping bag and hiking shoes. For a harmonious journey, it is crucial that you stick to the established rules of community life. Each will receive the General Emiliano Zapata package and we will also send them a digital map of Guerrero. Their names or organization will appear on the solidarity mural on the Radio Zapata and CICC page.
> 00 Co-financiers
0 collaborators
3 Available crowdsourcing needs
Construction materials
For the rehabilitation of the radio booth space, the community needs a lot of building materials, including cement, gravel, sand, rods, wood, galvaniz