Eco-social Project at Mas del Potro

Finished 09 / 12 / 2021
$ 10,820
$ 6,508
$ 15,267
153 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    The solidaire

    With this contribution you collaborate in a solidarity way in the project and enter the draw of a Pack Potrer: T-shirt, bag and a homemade bread bar.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    "Mas del Potro Bag"

    Fabric bag made with 100% organic cotton printed in the screen printing workshop of the CSOA Ca'ls Frares d'Alcoi
    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    This is the outline of the design that we will print. We are perfecting the idea and, in short, we will upload finished models.

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Linocut "Ruralitzem els cossos" and a draw for a bioconstruction course at the Mas

    Self-styled print according to the linocut technique with black ink. Made by @saretat. With the print, you enter a draw for a participation in a bioconstruction course to be determined.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    "Mas del Potro" t-shirt

    T-shirt made with 100% organic cotton and printed in the workshop of the CSOA Ca'ls Frares d'Alcoi.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    This is the outline of the design that we will print. We are perfecting the idea and, in short, we will upload finished models.

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    T-shirt and bag

    It includes a fabric bag and a t-shirt made with 100% eco-friendly cotton and printed in the silkscreen printing workshop of CSOA Ca'ls Frares d'Alcoi.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49

    La teràpia d'alçar marge

    Aquesta participació contempla l'estada de dos dies i una nit al mas. Al llarg d'aquests dies es realitzarà un curs de "treball en pedra seca", el qual estarà impartit per gent que treballa amb la matèria. Estan inclosos els àpats de tots els dies i l'allotjament.

    El grup serà màxim de deu persones i la data s'escollirà de manera consensuada entre la primavera i l'estiu del 2022.

    *Malauradament, l'espai no possibilita l'accés a persones amb mobilitat reduïda perquè el Mas no té accés a vehicles motoritzats.

    Finançar projectes socials també et desgrava a la Declaració de la Renda. En aquesta recompensa de 45€, la despesa real és de 9€ perquè Hisenda et torna 36€. Pots comprovar-ho a la Calculadora Fiscal de

    Si així ho vols, independentment de la recompensa, el teu nom o el de la teua entitat apareixerà a la nostra pàgina web

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Get to know the project

    Participation in a bioconstruction course during a weekend in the spring-summer of 2022. Meals and overnight accommodation are included. Groups are limited to 10 people.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 87

    4 months Bread Subscription

    With the bakery subscription, you will have a weekly distribution of 1 kg bread for 4 months. Pick up at an exact place and time in Alcoi or surrounding villages.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Sponsor a patch

    It is a solidarity and symbolic contribution for individuals and groups with which one of the many terraces that run up to the rocks would be given the name they like. The name will also appear on our illustrated map of the Mas environment.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Explore the enviroment

    We propose a stay of two nights with all meals included in the Mas del Potro. You will be part of the project and you will be able to enjoy the environment, especially if you are familiar with mountain hiking or climbing.

    This reward includes * groups of one to four adults (girls and boys who wish).

    The date, which would be chosen by consensus, would be 2022.

    *Unfortunately, the space does not allow access to people with reduced mobility because the Mas does not have access to motorized vehicles.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 380

    The Catapult

    It is the reward with the greatest financial amount that we propose. The Catapult is aimed at those people or entities who believe in the project and want to promote it. You will be made a memorial tile on the walls of the Mas, if you wish.

    In addition, as an addition, you will receive a basket with seasonal products from our harvest.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

We want to create a learning space that hosts culture, agroecology and transition towards new ways of doing and living based on rurality.

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Purchasing the Mas to the former owners.
We've decided to get to this amount since we belive it is an affordable goal, even though it wouldn't accomplish the project's total self-financing. This amount would reduce the economic cost to a point in which the collective could assume the rest of the investment. This would mean a higher personal contribution, with all the efforts that this could carry. Therefore, the initial steps of the project would be slower and with the obstacles that having a low budget involve, but it will be enough to guarantee the project's continuity in a good way.
$ 6,508
To accomplish the purchase of the space.
This amount is divided in the purchase of the property (5000€) and the notarial costs (2500€). Getting to this amount will allow the current inhabitants of Mas del Potro not having any loan or overexertions, and the start of the project with a stipulated social capital, which is expected to be maintained once the Mas becomes a housing coperative.
$ 8,135
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Around the Mas' land, there are lots dried of Mediterranean pines that have fallen down due to the latest rain and snowstorms. The situation is dangerous for the terraces and the building, but also for the Barranc del Cint enviroment since they make it easier for wild-fires to initiate and expand. The terraces serve as natural firewalling, but they need to be maintained. With a chainsaw, appart from this, we can ensure having enough wood to keep the house warm during winter and cook in our oven.
$ 217
Gas-runned brushcutter for medium surfaces
Together with the chainsaw, this is an essentail tool since minute one! The Mas is located in Barranc del Cint and humidity makes weeding a really tough job. Mostly brambles and riverside species grow vigorously invaiding the GR pathway and the building; and the most important, it increases the risk of wildfires!
$ 407
Total $ 6,508 $ 15,267

General information

Thanks to this Goteo we would like to give continuity to the collective project of Mas del Potro located at Barranc del Cint (Alcoi) and iniciated around 2001 by a group of young activists from Alcoi.

This group, together with a commited community of Mas del Potro supporters and friends, has rebuilt the house from the ruins, prepared the pieces of land and given the enviroment the best amenities for inhabiting the place in a continuous and self-managed way.

Twenty years later, this first period comes to an end and we are taking over.🌱🌿

The new project around Mas del Potro aims creating a Self-Managed Social Center

A meeting point and a place of synergy between agroecology, decentralized culture and social action:

We project the space as an excellent location for developing workshops, activities, courses and meetings which promote agroecology, food sovereignty, enviromental caring and development of networks between people.
We have a library, a workshop and a big room for hosting visits; together with different spaces with potential to host meetings, talks and trainings, both inside and outside.
*There are plenty of cultivation terraces set with driping irrigation and pens asking to be filled with live.

All of this, from a political positioning based on horizontality, ecofeminism and self-managment; welcoming all sexual, gender and affective diversities.

We want to ensure a time-sustainable project

That's why we are interested in facilitation of group processes and community based actions, taking into account allied people and entities together with the residents of the house. Pedagogy, groups gestion and accessibility are the tools we consider most important to pass on our concerns, as well as promoting the onset and consolidation of other iniciatives and people, both in the Social Center and the housing project.

In order to achieve this, we contemplate the possibility of creating a housing cooperative to focus energies on taking care of the house and cultivation lands, developing a lifestyle opposed to the prevailing dogma of individualism and private property.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

🌿 As we had to put into words the goals of the project, we have followed the four dimensions that many projects concerned about social transformtion have previously followed:

  • Ecological: To be conscious about the climate and energy crisis we suffer and to suggest enviromental respectful scenarios, taking into consideartion the people who co-exist within the enviroment.
  • Economical: To be able to be self-sufficent in a frame of a shared economy for living.
  • Cultural and/or educative: Creating and facilitating artistic and self-learning spaces; promoting popular knowledge and at the same time experimenting new formats.
  • Social: To promote critical thinking towards problems, inconsistencies and inequities having a local and regional impact, putting in the center the reality of Comarques Centrals.

🌿 From these dimensions, we understand as some of Mas del Potro's goals:

  • To make a sustainable agroecological production through the garden, animal caring and alimentary transformations.
  • Community living and horizontal organization, which means proposing shared ways of living, where food, shelter and caring are responsability of all.
  • To create a common, open and intergenertional space; available for hosting collective iniciatives through activities, workshops, meetings...
  • To maintain what Mas del Potro has always been: a place of transit, passage, to shut down, to breath, to look at eachoder, to share and to fight for what we are and want to be.
  • To secure the Mas conservation, dating from 1850s, and to habilitate, rebuild and recover new spaces that have fallen into disuse.

Why this is important

Our motivation is to live in a continuous contact with nature, creating a community of people who freely has chosen to live and organize themselves without any hierarchy, willing to put their energies and time on working the land with the less possible impact on the ecosystem. That means commiting on respecting the enviroment, flora, fauna and people inhabiting the land.

We leave the door open to whoever feels like learning about the project or take part in it; always keen to re-think it from the consensus of those involved.

Team and experience

Right now we are three friends that have chosen to take the reins of the project and guarantee its continuity.

The co-initiators are: Sare, Roger and David. We are three youngsters form El Comtat whit different kind of experiences in similar projects.

Sara studied Art History and Sociology in France, together with a master focusing in Arts and Society in Barcelona. After participating and arranging communiy projects in southern France, involving in cities' social fights and collaborating with collectives (mainly in Athens) she gets interested in decentralized socio-cultural and artistic action and the rural memory.

Roger with deep interest on agronomy, botany and food transformation. Moved by alimentary sovereignity, farmer's dignity and LTBIQ rights, takes part in social movements around the País Valencià and differents parts of the geography, nationaly and outside the territory.

David has been linked to live in the country-side since he was a kid. During his studies he got the chance to live in different cities, either in or outside the Spanish territory. Carrying political and social concerns wherever he's moved to, he has tried to shape them throughout the studies, experiences, and the encouragment that contact with others bring.

As collective experience, all three of us are members of APOC (Acció Política del Comtat), young but ambicious project created in order to unite our energies towards the self-sufficience of our villages and creation of cultural and leisure spaces where we could feel safe. Right now, the project that's still running is the garden ACABassaes, in the town of Alcosser.

We are between 22 and 23 years old. As young people we are aware of the difficulties of our generation -precarious- in order to obtain economical resources and undertake initiatives. That is why we need help, networks, collaboration... We know we can do it, and if we get to do it, it has to be the right way!

We see ouselves with the strength, the hope, the motivation, and the capacity to carry out this project. Right now we are in three, but the door won't remain closed; one of our objectives is to create a community of commited people, an experimental space of shared lifes inside the Barranc del Cint.

We will grow according to our rythms, timings, meetings and coincidences...

The Mas del Potro stays and it will be in a collective way! 🌿

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development