¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Our Shared Scenario (nuestro escenario compartido)

  • Contributing £ 4

    Contribution icon

    Icon showing your contribution to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks, with a link to the project page.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Animated Gif

    Animated GIF referential to the project, for being placed on a web page, blog and on the social networks that allow animated GIFS. Is accompanied by the precedent reward.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Image from the project with special knowledge

    Virtual image for downloading that will be one of the images created by the kids in the pilot project, with an special knowledge for the collaboration. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Set of screen-savers

    Set of images with graphical content derived of the results of the pilot experience, to be used as screen-savers. Are accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Video of the pilot experience with an inclusion in the credits

    Video edited with documentary footage of the pilot experience with a personalized dedicatory and an inclusion in the credits as a contributor. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 168

    Directory of school centers and associations interested in the project as participants.

    Spreading a directory of school centers or associations interested on collaborating, helping in keeping contact between potential partners. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 210

    Updated Directory of school centers and associations interested in the project as participants.

    This directory will be regularly updated during the following year after the final of the campaign. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 336

    Preferential attention + acknowledge of the support in the web page of the project.

    Preferential attention for establish contacts, monitoring and developing of an experience with another group. Inclussion of the logo of the association in the webpage of the project. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 841

    Preferential attention / Possibility of execution of the workshop by ourselves

    Is included the option that one of the members of the team of OSS could provide the execution of the workshop in the place where it will be done (travel and maintenance not included), participating on the training of the managers of future replications. If this option could not be possible, for the impossibility of paying the travel or maintenace, the attention would consist on the developing of the workshop dynamics along the duration of the first one imparted by the collaborator association or entity. Is accompanied by the precedent rewards.

    > 01 Co-financiers

Después de la piloto / Després de la pilot / After the pilot
Our Shared Scenario

05 | 11 | 2015
Después de la piloto / Després de la pilot / After the pilot <br/> Our Shared Scenario
Hola a todos, nos alegra estar escribiendo esta comunicación acerca de aquello con lo que llevamos dando bombo meses y meses, la experiencia piloto de Our Shared Scenario . 
Paradójicamente, sentimos también algo de apuro por que llegue de forma tan tardía, pero hay razones para ello. Una de ellas es que estamos todavía dando forma a las distintas recompensas merecidas por nuestros cofinanciadores.
La otra, la principal, es que nos parecía fundamental contar con al menos un vídeo editado con el material videográfico obtenido durante la primera experiencia compartida de Our Shared Scenario. 
Esta, como sabréis, se desarrolló entre Sabadell y Madrid este septiembre de 2015, entre l'Estruch y Medialab-Prado, respectivamente. Podemos decir con toda sinceridad que esta fue una experiencia maravillosa, y que nos sirvió espléndidamente para aquello para lo que llevábamos meses esforzándonos: para vivir lo que significa una experiencia compartida con OSS, y entender si resulta tan gratificante como así lo deseábamos. Y su intensidad nos alucinó.
Además constatamos que tantas de aquellas cosas de las que llevábamos hablando meses se hacían realidad por boca de los participantes. Es fascinante cuando esto sucede.
Nos sirvió también para forzar el software y tomar así mayor constancia de sus riquezas y sus carencias, en el camino a tener algo transparente y de fácil uso que ofrecer. 
Aquí os dejamos el vídeo que, con toda probabilidad, servirá mejor que estas palabras para trasmitir las emociones recogidas durante esas dos primeras semanas del pasado mes de septiembre.
Mil gracias, una vez más, a todos los que lo habéis hecho posible. Un abrazo.
***** Català
Hola a tots. Ens alegra estar escribint aquesta comunicació al voltant d'allò amb del que us veniem parlant desde fa una bona temporada ja, l'experiència pilot d'Our Shared Scenario.
Paradòxicament, sentim també una mica que aquesta arribi de forma tan tardana, encara que hi han motius de sobra.
Un d'ells és que estem encara donant forma ales distintes recompenses merescudes pels nostres cofinanzadors.
L'altra, la principal, és que ens semblava fonamenta comptar amb al menys un vídeo editat amb el material videogràfic obtingut durant la primera experiencia compartidad d'Our Shared Scenario.
Aquesta, com ja podeu saber, es va desenvolupar entre Sabadell i Madrid aquest septembre de 2015, entre l'estruch i Medialab-Prado, respectivament.
Podem dir amb tota sinceritat que aquesta experiència meravellosa ens va servir esplèndidament per allò per al que portàvem mesos esforzant-nos: per viure el que significa de veritat una experiència compartida amb OSS, i entendre si resultava tan gratificant com desitjàvem nosaltres. La seva intensitat ens va deixar al·lucinats.
A més, a més, vam constatar que moltes de les coses amb les que especulàvem desde feia temps es feien realitat per boca dels seus participants. Es fascinant quan això succeeix.
Ens va servir també per a forçar el software i prendre així major constànciade les seves riqueses i carències, en el camí a tenir quelcom transparent i de facil ús per poder oferir.
Aquí us deixem amb el vídeo que, amb tota certesa, servirà millor que aquestes paraules per a transmetre les emocions recollides durant aquestes dues primeres setmanes del mes de septembre.
Mil gràcies, un cop més, a tots els que ho heu fet possible. Una abrassada.
***** Anglès
Hi, everyone, 
we are proud of being writing that communication about the pilot experience of Our Shared Scenario. We where trumpetting abroad since months and paradoxically, we don't like very much to do it so late, but have reasons for it.
In first term, we are still giving shape to the different promised awards for having helped us with the crowdfunding campaign.
But the main reason is that seemed essential to us to have a good video of the pilot experience of Our Shared Scenario.
As you may know, this was done between Sabadell and Madrid, between l'Estruch and Medialab-Prado, respectively.
We lived a shared experience with Our Shared Scenario and its intensity flipped us. It was an amazing experience that showed us that all our efforts in the last year were in the right direction. Even better is when you heard it from the mouth of the participants the words that you have been thinking on since months. 
Plus, it allowed us to force the software and take real consciousness of its features and mis-features, in order to have something transparent and easy-of-use to offer.
Here you have the video that, in all probability, will transmit better that my words the emotions that were taken during those two first weeks of last september.


A lot of thanks to all those people that have helped in making it possible. A real big hug.