¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

My Way Out (Ni Naiz Naizena)

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  • Contributing $ 110


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 551

    T Girl

    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 772


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,102


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + Official film T-shirt+ possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 1 invitation to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.)

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,205


    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official film T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,025

    Way Out

    Thank you on all our social networking sites + Possibility to see the film online before it is screened commercially + Final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + Digital poster signed by the team + A personalised film still signed by the director + possibility to be present at the shooting (on a date agreed with the producer) + 2 invitations to the private screening of the film (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + 4 invitations to the wrap party (does not include accommodation, travel etc.) + Official gilm T-shirt + Yogurinha Borova's latest album POLIAMOR + Film script with director's notes + Sponsor end credit and on all marketing material (poster, handout etc. ) +Screening exclusive for the sponsor and Q&A with the team(on a date agreed with IZAR Films) +Company/association/institution logo on end credits

    > 06 Co-financiers

Eskerrak! Gracias! Thanks!

02 | 10 | 2017
Eskerrak! Gracias! Thanks!
(en castellano al final de este email)
Mila esker orain arte gure proiektuari ekarpenak egin dizkiozuen lagun zoragarri guztiei!
Azken mesede bat eskatu nahi dizuegu... gure crowdfunding kanpaina ahalik eta jende gehienak ezagutzea ezinbestekoa da beraz, eskertuko genizueke zuen ezagun, lagun, lankide eta familiaren artean informazioa banatuko bazenute whatsappez, emailez, sare sozialetan etab. esteka honen bidez: 
NI NAIZ NAIZENA oso proiektu pertsonala eta berezia da. Maitasunez eta ilusioz beteta, talde txiki baina profesionala martxan jarri da generoaren inguruan gauza interesgarriak kontatzeko duen jendearekin lan egiteko.
Gure proiektua hasi dugu eta eskerrak eman nahi dizugu bidai honetan gure bidelagun izategatik. 
Muchas gracias a tod@s nuestr@s maravillos@s amig@ que habéis contribuido a nuestro proyecto. 
Os queremos pedir un último favor... es necesario que nuestra campaña de crowdfunding se conozca por la mayor cantidad de gente y por esto, os pedimos que compartáis la información sobre la campaña entre vuestros familiares, compañer@s de trabajo, amistades etc. a través de whatsapp, email, redes sociales etc. con este link: 
MY WAY OUT es un proyecto muy personal y necesario. Con mucho amor e ilusión un equipo pequeño pero profesional se ha puesto ya en marcha para trabajar con gente que tiene muchas cosas interesantes que contar sobre el género. 
Hemos empezado nuestro proyecto y te queremos agradecer que seas nuestr@ compañer@ de viaje. 


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