¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Manual de Supervivencia Maker

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Finished 20 / 09 / 2014
€ 8.275
€ 4.700
€ 8.050
216 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 5

    Web recognition

    Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Maker keyring and Web recognition

    Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    eBook "Maker Survival Guide"

    Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website

    > 97 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    "Maker Survival Guide" eBook with personalised cover

    "Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Makespace Madrid T-shirt and web recognition

    Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    Print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide"

    Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website

    > 43 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Mega Maker Pack

    Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 60

    Personalised videoconference support from our makers

    Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75

    Giga Maker Pack

    Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 90

    Tera Maker Tour: exclusive guided visit to Makespace Madrid with coffee and cake

    Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Be our next Peta Maker

    In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 600

    "Maker Survival Guide" Sponsor

    If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).

    > 02 Co-financiers

Últimas novedades y jornadas Fabricando Ourense

13 | 10 | 2014

El Drone de David Pello de FabLab LaLaboral en Ourense.


Jornadas Fabricando Ourense

El equipo de la Molinera organizó este fin de semana pasado las Jornadas Fabricando Ourense en la que dieron a conocer un nuevo espacio para la fabricación digital en la ciudad. Estas jornadas arrancaron con dos días de simposio, en el que se habló sobre la fabricación digital y los modelos de gestión de los distintos espacios en la península ibérica.
Durante el fin de semana se ofrecieron múltiples talleres, charlas y actividades para dar a conocer el espacio y que contaron con una entregada participación por parte de los ciudadanos de Ourense. Prusas de la gente de Clou Wars, Hypercubos conectados, talleres de captura de modelos tridimensionales, y construcción con cartón de una ciudad realizada por las familias participantes...¡No faltó de nada!
Desde Makespace Madrid queremos desearles la mejor de las suertes con el lanzamiento de este espacio y animaros a todos a conocerlo.

Novedades y avances del Manual de Supervivencia Maker.

En Makespace Madrid estamos trabajando ahora mismo para consolidar la maquetación y el estilo del Manual de Supervivencia Maker. Durante la semana pasada realizamos una primera revisión interna y nos gustaría en breve compartir con vosotros estas plantillas para escuchar vuestra opinión y sugerencias. Estamos dubitando entre una edición a dos columnas formateada usando LaTeX o un formato más colorido y moderno, pero necesitamos tener más contenidos para poder comparar cómo resulta mejor.
Hablando de contenidos, el próximo fin de semana del 17 Octubre vamos a hacer un primer documenta-fotomatón, en el que nos juntaremos para realizar todas las fotografías de las guías del libro usando equipo profesional, en buenas condiciones de ilumnación, con fondo similar, etc. 
Durante este fin de semana esperamos también poder preparar una buena parte de las recompensas materiales, tales como los llaveros y los imanes. La semana pasada enviamos un mail para preguntar por la talla de la camiseta para aquellas recompensas que la incluyan. Si no habéis respondido todavía, por favor, revisad vuestro buzón y si no os ha llegado el mail, contactadnos a través de nuestra dirección: info@makespacemadrid.org. 
¡Muchas gracias a todos y todas por vuestro apoyo!
¡Seguimos trabajando! 
Equipo MSM