Contributing $ 106
On-line documentary renting + Acknowledgment in end credits.
> 05 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
On-line documentary renting + Acknowledgment in end credits.
Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits.
Documentary DVD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
Pack of ecological products Brin de Sante ( 1 liter of potassium soap fungicide for the orchard or lip balm, soap bar to choose from the catalog, and toothpaste with propolis ) + Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
The garden notebook “Mi huerto ecológico”, plan your veggie garden day by day to get better harvests + Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
Mention in the opening credits as a main sponsor + The garden notebook “Mi huerto ecológico” plan your veggie garden day by day to get better harvests + Pack of ecological products Brin de Sante ( 1 liter of potassium soap fungicide for the orchard or lip balm, soap bar to choose from the catalog, and toothpaste with propolis ) Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary DVD + Download in HD. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
The direction crew will present the documentary in the projection organized by the sponsor + Mention in the opening credits as a main sponsor + The garden notebook “Mi huerto ecológico” plan your veggie garden day by day to get better harvests + Pack of ecological products Brin de Sante ( 1 liter of potassium soap fungicide for the orchard or lip balm, soap bar to choose from the catalog , and toothpaste with propolis ) + Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary DVD + Download in HD. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
El día 10 de junio es la fecha límite para alcanzar los 6.000€. En este momento estamos en 4.755€, así que tenemos 17 intensos días por delante, para conseguir 1.245€ que aún faltan.
Aquí tenéis el link de la campaña
Mucha gente nos pregunta qué vamos hacer con el documental una vez esté terminado. Nuestra intención es la de que sirva como material de apoyo para cursos y jornadas que promuevan temas como la soberanía alimentaria, la sostenibilidad o la ecología.
Seguimos abiertos a recibir ofertas de proyectos de huertas urbanas que quieran aparecer en el documental. Aún no sabemos exactamente la cantidad de proyectos que faltan por grabar, pero nos hemos marcado la fecha de finales de diciembre de este año, para tener el documental editado.
Con vuestra ayuda lo conseguiremos!
June 10 is the deadline to reach € 6,000. At the moment we are at € 4,755 , so we have 17 intense days ahead, to get € 1,245 that we still need.
Here is the link of the campaign
Many people ask about what we will do with the documentary once it is finished. Our intention is to include it as support material for courses and conferences that promote issues such as food sovereignty, sustainability or ecology.
We are still open to receive offers of projects of urban gardens that want to appear in the documentary. We still do not know exactly how many projects are still missing to record, but we have set the date of the end of December this year, to have the documentary edited.
With your help, we will get it!
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On-line documentary renting + Acknowledgment in end credits.
> 05 Co-financiers
Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits.
> 20 Co-financiers
Documentary DVD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
> 26 Co-financiers
Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
> 16 Co-financiers
Pack of ecological products Brin de Sante ( 1 liter of potassium soap fungicide for the orchard or lip balm, soap bar to choose from the catalog, and toothpaste with propolis ) + Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
> 05 Co-financiers
The garden notebook “Mi huerto ecológico”, plan your veggie garden day by day to get better harvests + Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary downloading in HD + Acknowledgment in end credits. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
> 04 Co-financiers
Mention in the opening credits as a main sponsor + The garden notebook “Mi huerto ecológico” plan your veggie garden day by day to get better harvests + Pack of ecological products Brin de Sante ( 1 liter of potassium soap fungicide for the orchard or lip balm, soap bar to choose from the catalog, and toothpaste with propolis ) Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary DVD + Download in HD. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
> 04 Co-financiers
The direction crew will present the documentary in the projection organized by the sponsor + Mention in the opening credits as a main sponsor + The garden notebook “Mi huerto ecológico” plan your veggie garden day by day to get better harvests + Pack of ecological products Brin de Sante ( 1 liter of potassium soap fungicide for the orchard or lip balm, soap bar to choose from the catalog , and toothpaste with propolis ) + Ecologic Cotton T-shirt with our Logo + Documentary DVD + Download in HD. (International shipping costs by co-founder)
> 03 Co-financiers
We need to know projects related with urban ecologic agriculture, and they would like to appear in the documentary's contents.
Would be a great help to meet and receive information from other documentary projects, in order to make us easy, all this process.
Any kind of help such as communication or diffusion of this project, would be really welcome.
We need to organize projections in order to present the project first, and to project the documentary in second chance.
In addition to the English translation, it would be extraordinary, to have people to help us translate the documentary into other languages.