Finished 28 / 06 / 2019
$ 3,503
$ 1,116
$ 5,801
13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Every help Matters

    With this option your name will appear in the video of the project as a contributor. There is also the option to give the quantity that you consider proper. Small details are what really matter

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 100

    Sponsor a Child

    For every 90€ you donate a children will go a whole month to school. The money will be distributed as 70€ for the scolarship and 20€ for school materials such as books, pencils...
    With this action you will become a sponsor of a children. You will recive a peronsal thanks you letter from a children of Mano Amiga and your name will appear in the video of the project as a contributor.There is also the option to give the quantity that you consider proper. Small details are what really matter.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 223

    volunteering sponsor

    If you're willing to give us this amount of money for the trip, we can consider you as part of the volunteering. Together we can make it!
    In this category you will appear in the letter that we will give to the foundation together with the donations. Also your name will appear in the video of the project as a contributor.
    Moreover we also will give you a handmade bracelet, so that every time you look at it, you remember that thanks to you, someone's life is a little easier.There is also the option to give the quantity that you consider proper. Small details are what really matter.

    (envío a todo el territorio español)

    > 02 Co-financiers


15 | 04 | 2019

New account in Instagram to follow the project and news!


Keep moving!!


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