¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

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  • Contributing $ 213

    Calle de la Villa Joiosa

    A "Quart de casa" magnet made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. The "Quart de casa" (quarter of a house) is symbolic of life in the neighbourhood. Many families have grown up in this type of apartments which appeared as a result of splitting the traditional houses from the XVIII century in half, twice.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Calle de Balboa

    “Vermút” in a typical tavern in La Barceloneta for 2 pax + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. Experience the authentic Barceloneta with a delicious vermouth in an emblematic neighbourhood establishment…the ones which have always been around!

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Calle de Andrea Doria

    100% organic cotton bag silkscreened by hand and with a sailor´s knot of La Xarxaire made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. We want to spread the word on our project while reclaiming the use of the cloth bag to do the shopping, hold your homework, etc., avoiding the use of plastic and reducing contamination.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Calle de la Sal

    A sampling of fishermen’s dishes made from locally-caught seafood for 2pax + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. What lovely seafood we have in the hood!...do you want to try it?

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Calle de Grau y Torras

    Surprise hamper of products made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. In La Xarxaire, we want to value art and culture as forms of social interaction…we’re creating networks!

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,595

    Calle Cermeño

    A replica of the 1st stone that was laid in La Barceloneta, in the same site where the building will be built (11 Joan de Borbó) + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. The engineer Cermeño created the project of the Barceloneta neighbourhood based on the project of Marqués de Verboom and the first stone was put in place in 1753!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Calle Ginebra

    “Vermút” for 2pax + a Barceloneta souvenir made by the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + a tour of the 11 Joan de Borbó building + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. You can’t miss out on the vermouth in La Barceloneta, it is without equal!

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,254

    Calle de los Mariners

    Tour of the fish market + a case of locally-caught seafood from “La Platjeta” (a fishing boat from the neighbourhood) + 2 100% organic cotton bags silkscreened by hand and with a sailor´s knot of La Xarxaire made by members of the artists and artisans collective of La Barceloneta + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. So you can be like us in La Xarxaire, we have the sailor’s spirit!

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,381

    Calle de la Maquinista

    A guided tour of the cooperative movement in La Barceloneta + the book “La forja solidaria de un barrio portuario. La Barceloneta obrera y cooperativa" by Emma Alari and Santi Gorostiza (la Ciutat invisible, 2016) + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. Because the history of La Barceloneta cannot be understood without the sea, or the cooperative movement.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    Calle del Mar

    A sampling of sailor’s cuisine for 10pax + a tour of the 11 Joan de Borbó building + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. From the first Puda (a restaurant for sailors) which opened in La Barceloneta in 1870 in the former warehouses of the Wharf until today, our neighbourhood has always been characterized by a great tradition of sailor’s cuisine.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    Calle de los Pescadores

    A trip on a fishing boat + sampling for 2pax + a case of locally-caught seafood from “La Platjeta” (a fishing boat from the neighbourhood) + our gratitude by putting your name in the time capsule which we will leave in the foundations of the building + a video of our thanks. An unforgettable experience for lovers of the sea and good food…don’t pass up the opportunity!

    > 01 Co-financiers
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
¡Lo hemos logrado! Gracias a todo el mundo por ayudarnos a lograr nuestro objetivo.
5 últimos días de segunda ronda y campaña en Goteo. Si no has pasado por aquí antes, ponte al día.

Gràcies - Gracias - Thanks - Efcharistó - Xie Xie!!!

Ho hem aconseguit i ha estat gràcies a tot@s vosaltres que ens heu donar suport, amor i molt ànims per a continuar endavant.
Podrem fer possible l'aparador d'iniciatives artistico-culturals al barri de la Barceloneta i així, donar...

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¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)
Entre tod@s ¡se puede! Gracias por ayudarnos a lograrlo con Goteo
¡Tres días no son nada! Si no has aportado aún, ¿a qué esperas? Mucha gente ya lo ha hecho.
Esto ya está casi, es a todo o nada pero ¡se puede lograr!
¿Lo lograremos? Solo falta una semana y ¡aún hay que llegar al mínimo!
Llegar hasta aquí ya tiene mérito: ¡50% de recaudación superado!
Wow, donación de 1.000€ a nuestra campaña en Goteo, ¡mil gracias!
¿Ya han pasado 20 días de campaña? Momento para recordar colaboraciones no monetarias.

ja som una mica més a prop del nostre objectiu!

Falten 25 dies per a finalitzar la 1º ronda i estem al 46%!!
Alguns dirian que no tenim ni la meitat i que el got està mig buit, però nosaltres no som alguns, som la Xarxaire!! estem a mig camí d'aconseguir una fita important, no només per...

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¡Una semana ya en Goteo! Mira qué nos motiva y a quién nos dirigimos.
Superado el 20% del objetivo de recaudación en Goteo, ¡bien!
Necesitamos apoyos en Goteo para estos objetivos (haz clic)
¿Quieres saber más de nuestra campaña? Nos presentamos.
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)