Espai de la vida quotidiana

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Finished 26 / 10 / 2018
£ 1,161
£ 1,140
£ 2,247
16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Mención especial

    Tu nombre aparecerá en nuestros perfiles sociales junto al de todas aquellas personas que han co-financiado este proyecto y te sumaremos a nuestras listas para que recibas información de las sesiones abiertas que se realiza en el dispositivo grupal Espai de la vida quotidiana.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34


    Contarás con una invitación especial para asistir a la Jornada informativa y formativa acerca del Método Qué dirás a realizarse este otoño en Barcelona. En el caso de no poder asistir, recibirás una publicación digital de esa Jornada. Añadiremos tu nombre a la lista de cofinanciadores que aparecerán en nuestros perfiles sociales y recibirás información de las sesiones abiertas.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 51


    Formarás parte del proyecto de realizar una película acerca de esta experiencia, recibiendo filmaciones intermedias, fragmentos y crónicas de este trabajo. Tu nombre aparecerá en todas nuestras listas de cofinanciadores y recibirás información del Espai de la vida quotidiana.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84


    Recibirás una publicación digital acerca de Método Qué dirás. Su funcionamiento y su fundamentación. Recibirás también participación de la experiencia de filmación de una película que recoja parte del proceso. Añadiremos tu nombre a la lista de todos aquellos que han co-financiado este proyecto.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Film (Filmación) or other rewards

17 | 08 | 2018
Film (Filmación) or other rewards

The Space of Everyday Life is a weekly meeting place for different groups of people.
People that are very different and yet all admit to suffering a symptom of our times: loneliness and also the loneliness of their words.
Agafa la teva cadira, take your chair, agafa el teu què diràs, take what you are about to say, what you are going to say but don’t know yet what it will be.
Two expressions that are homophonic in Catalan: agafa la teva cadira, agafa el què diràs.
The què diràs method turns every session into a surprise.
The psychoanalitic basis of the method allows us to trust in spontaneity, in the unforeseeable, in what we never expected to say.
The participation in this transient weekly community produces and allows us to recover an interest in the singularity of each life and each modality, rhythm, cadence, manner, the what, the what you will say that needs a place where it can be recovered.
The human being in the contemporary era is under pressure by the constant changes, migrations, the changes in the relation between generations, the lengthening of life, the bewilderment produced by new technologies. Being able to recover the rhythm or even something previous to it, being able to recover the words, gives way to unexpected inventions in private, personal lives as well as in life in the community.
Dialogues that would have never occurred otherwise.
The Space of Everyday Life and its method, qué dirás, allows for invention produced by a wordplay where something from the private and forgotten poetry may return. It’s a game that permits us to put ourselves on the line.
And it begins to work.
This is a crowdfunding project, we are asking for your collaboration to reach the budget necessary for the consolidation of this project. The Barcelona City Hall generously finances part of it but we need to raise the remaining funds through other sponsors. Our efforts are aimed to kickstarting our project. It's been in the making for 5 years already and now it's becoming a reality thanks to its method and to the results it's rendering. What we need is a definitive impulse to cover our expenses for 2018 even as we engage in the search for new sponsors. When the crowdfunding goes live you can make a Contribution (the one you want) or move on to Rewards. Some of them are really exciting. We are currently forming a team to videotape the incredible experiences of the people who participate in the groups and those of you who choose the Film Reward (Filmación) will be updated on the evolution of this project throughout the year.


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