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Electro-Prepared Piano: The Sound of Tomorrow

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Finished 04 / 12 / 2020
£ 6,730
£ 3,363
£ 6,726
122 Co-financiers
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Fabra i Coats
Completado (£ 1,682)
  • Contributing £ 8

    Unreleased Tune + Thanks.

    By donating 10 euros you will receive an unpublished song by Juan J. Ochoa, and your name will appear among the patrons of this project.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Concert + Bag

    At the end of this campaign, a special concert will be held at Fabra i Coats in Barcelona on December the 16th. Ochoa will play songs from his previous albums Longing for Breath and In Progress, and he will present his new album Without Orpheus, with unreleased songs that fuse electronics and prepared piano. It will be a very special evening with guest artists and it will be followed by a Q & A and drinks.

    In addition, on the same day of the concert you will receive this exclusive cloth bag designed by Ochoa in collaboration with the illustrator Jaume Marco and a link to download a new unreleased song in a limited digital edition.

    Limited seats available.

    In case of change in the date due to the current regulations on capacity and live performances, the new date will be announced well in advance, and the possibility of streaming will be offer for those who can not attend.

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Mask + Streaming Concert

    Get your handmade mask designed and stamped by PEDRA - Art and Costume Company in collaboration with Juan J. Ochoa. High-quality, washable and organic cotton, with double side and filter pocket. Choose your favourite design.


    In addition to your mask, this reward includes the download of an unreleased song and an exclusive online concert, followed by a Q & A where you can participate with your questions and suggestions. Do not miss it!

    Shipping costs included.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Prepared Piano Workshop

    Do you want know how to play a prepared piano? How do you make it sound like a percussion or a string instrument, or even a synthesizer?

    Two online sessions of 2 hours each, address not only to musicians or music students, but also to all of you who are interested in learning about the prepared piano.

    During the first session we will talk about the history of this way of playing. We will discuss the materials and techniques that can traditionally be used and how to use them properly, so that they do not harm the instrument. Materials such as scores and recordings will be shared, and small improvisations and exercises will be proposed to practice.

    In a second session, your own compositions will be shared, and modern techniques and their fusion with electronics will be studied in depth, proposing new actions and possibilities that we can design together for future compositions.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    CD "Longing for Breath" + Concert + Bag

    Get a signed copy of Ochoa’s first album Longing for Breath in CD. Shipping costs included.

    This album was the author's definitive immersion into the universe of the prepared piano and contains music inspired by Spanish folklore, Middle Eastern music, French Impressionism and North American minimalism. It also includes a photo compilation of the show directed and choreographed by Manuel Badás, for whose soundtrack this album was composed.

    With this contribution you will also receive an invitation to the concert that will take place on December the 16th in Barcelona, where you will receive an exclusive cloth bag and the download of an unreleased song by the composer.

    In case of not being able to attend the live concert, the album and bag will be sent to you by post, along with the unreleased song, and you will have exclusive access to a streaming concert with a Q & A.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1,261

    Private Concert

    A private concert with the artist's repertoire for piano solo, including works such as Crystalline, Mediterraneum, Longing for Breath or In Progress.

    You will also receive the entire merchandising kit, which includes:

    Unreleased theme.
    Possibility of attending the recording of one of the videos from Ochoa's new album.

    Remember that by making this donation through GOTEO, the amount will be deducted in your next tax return. Check here the tax calculator: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 2,102

    In Progress Live

    In Progress private concert, where Ochoa, along with Marta Azparren, Pau Escutia and other guest artists, will present a repertoire of previous albums and new songs taking from his upcoming new album. An opportunity to see and hear a unique anthology of music from the present and the future on a small stage.

    In addition, this reward makes you an official sponsor of the presentation video of the next album, with the right to product placement and special mention.

    Remember that by making this donation through GOTEO, the amount will be deducted in your next tax return. Check here the tax calculator: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 3,363

    Prepared Piano Rave

    A soirée with an exclusive atmosphere. The live performance of the artist new project, with a scenography adapted to the place of your choice among the eligible rooms or locations.

    With this reward, you will become the main patron of Electro-Prepared Piano, official sponsor of the presentation video of the next album, and you will be able to promote your brand through product placement or other advertising modality.

    Remember that by making this donation through GOTEO, the amount will be deducted in your next tax return. Check here the tax calculator: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

Radio News / Reportaje en CAT MÚSICA

04 | 11 | 2020
Radio News / Reportaje en CAT MÚSICA


(english version below)

¡Hola! El pasado lunes 2 de Noviembre emitieron en Catalunya Música un reportaje sobre el proyecto de Electro Piano Preparado. Os dejo aquí el link para que lo escuchéis.

Aún quedan 30 días para el final de la campaña. No dejéis de compartir en vuestras redes para apoyar el proyecto y recordad que el próximo 16 de diciembre habrá un concierto presentación en la Fabra i Coats y que aún quedan algunas entradas disponibles.

¡Que ganas de compartir con vosotros en directo!


Hi! Last Monday I made an interview for the Catalonian radio station about Electro Prepared Piano. Here is the link.

Remember that the campaign is still up for 30 more days. Please do not hesitate in sharing it on your networks. There are still tickets left for the concert in Barcelona the 16th of December, and many other rewards available.

I can’t wait to see you all!


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