Eco-comedor escolar auto-gestionado: Saludable, local y sostenible

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Finished 28 / 07 / 2019
£ 5,242
£ 4,344
£ 11,829
115 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9

    Digital cookbook

    You will receive one of our cooks’ famous recipes by email

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17


    You will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • T-shirt silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (green, 100% cotton)

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 43

    T-shirt+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • T-shirt silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (green, 100% cotton)
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 68

    cookbook+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Cookbook collection of our cooks’ most famous recipes
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    special guest invitation to a gala celebration +cookbook+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Cookbook collection of our cooks’ most famous recipes
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 171

    Basket of organic products +special guest invitation to a gala celebration+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Basket of organic products from our local suppliers (packaged products)
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 427

    Certificate entitling two people to eat lunch in our parent canteen for two months+Basket of organic products+Reusable cloth bag

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Certificate entitling two people to eat lunch in our parent canteen for two months (open Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
    • Basket of organic products from our local suppliers (packaged products)
    • Reusable cloth bag silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (100% cotton)
    • Guest invitation to the gala celebration.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 855

    Commemorative plaque recognizing you as a donor+special guest invitation to a gala celebration+T-shirt

    You will receive a special guest invitation to a gala celebration held at the end of the school year including music, theatre, and other artistic performances. In addition, you will receive the following by mail (Spain only):
    • Commemorative plaque recognizing you as a donor, displayed at the entrance to the canteen.
    • T-shirt silkscreened with the save-the-canteen campaign logo “No me toques la olla” (green, 100% cotton)
    • Two guest invitations to the gala celebration.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Help support the healthiest organic school canteen in Andalusia!

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Food costs
Necessary to continue buying food from the producers of the Vega of Granada: ecological and from local production.
£ 3,147
Coste de recompensas
Coste de camisetas, bolsas, libros y otras recompensas
£ 684
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Gastos derivados de comisiones
Gastos de la plataforma goteo y comisiones bancarias
£ 513
Worker salaries
Necessary to maintain appropriate salaries to the high professional qualification
£ 7,485
Total £ 4,344 £ 11,829

General information

After 17 years of operation, the multiple-award winning organic canteen at Gómez Moreno primary school, located in the historic neighborhood of Albaicín de Granada (Spain) , faces a serious economic challenge. Last year, a multinational catering company underbid our parent organisation by 11% and won the contract for the canteen.

In April 2019, after an intense year-long effort, our parent organisation regained operating control of the canteen. However, we are required to maintain the discount offered by the catering company for the duration of the two-year contract.

We urgently need financial support to continue operating our canteen with local, organic whole foods.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

How is our canteen different from a catering company?

The school canteen is an integral part of the teaching and learning that happens at Gómez Moreno. It is viewed as an additional classroom, one where children learn skills and values directly related to:
• their physical health (they learn to eat and enjoy a variety of healthy, traditional foods made with an abundance of seasonal fruits, vegetables and other fresh food; they brush their teeth after eating);

• their social well-being (they receive encouragement for showing a positive attitude and guidance on how to resolve disagreements with tablemates, for example); and

• their environmental awareness (they use cloth napkins from home rather than paper napkins; eat meals prepared with whole foods prepared on site; and divert food scraps from the trash by collecting them to feed the laying hens that provide the canteen’s eggs).

Our commitment also extends beyond the walls of the school to our local community. By purchasing from local suppliers, we help develop and maintain short distribution channels and contribute to the economic vitality of our area. We also limit our environmental impact by purchasing fresh, whole foods locally; our supplies travel fewer kilometres and are delivered with little or no packaging.

The activities of our parent-run canteen extend beyond the lunch hour and can be organised around the following four objectives:


2) HEALTHY EATING HABITS AT HOME: parent meals at the canteen; Saturday organic produce markets offered on school grounds; school garden and compost bin

3) PROMOTION, PARTICIPATION AND EDUCATION: school cookbook; workshops and conferences for families, other parent associations, and educators; parent management of and fiscal responsibility for the canteen

4) PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: regular family hiking and biking excursions organised by parents
Our motto is: Healthy, local and sustainable.

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Why this is important

The Gómez Moreno canteen is a recognized model of best practices whose future is threatened by the artificially-low price established in the contract awarded to a multinational catering company to serve conventional (not organic, not local) food.

Every day nearly 200 students eat a healthy meal made with whole ingredients purchased from small, local producers; 80% of those ingredients are organic. Over time, children eating in the canteen develop a healthy relationship with food and acquire healthy eating habits based on the Mediterranean diet. We see these outcomes reflected in the rate of overweight among our students, which is only 8.8 % compared to the Spanish national rate of 30%.

Our work has been recognised with a number of awards including three from the regional government (Junta de Andalucía) and one from the Spanish Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare, for implementing a strategy to improve nutrition, physical activity, and obesity prevention.
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Team and experience

For the past 17 years, the Gómez Moreno parent organisation (Asociación de Madres y Padres de Alumnos del C.E.I.P. Gómez Moreno) has managed the school canteen with impressive results.

Our canteen has attracted media attention and the interest of experts in education, health, and healthy eating, and we are often seen as a model of community mobilization and participation. The canteen and the efforts behind it have been featured in news stories and television programs, and we receive a steady stream of invitations to participate in conferences and panel discussions.

The good results are possible because of the whole ingredients are purchased from small, local producers; 80% of those ingredients are organic. In addition, we pay our workers a just wage that reflects their excellent qualifications and their commitment to the health and education of our children.

Although our parent organisation has regained operating control of the canteen through an intense year-long effort, we are required to maintain the current contracted price of 3.64 euros per meal.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.