Corazón de cristal

Filed on 27 / 01 / 2015
$ 5,316
$ 13,098
$ 19,647
46 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Be part of the construction team

    Do you want to be our special guest? We will add your name if you help us in the project. Your name and photo will be published on Instagram and other social networks.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Art raffle

    We raffle three of 40plumas’ art pieces. They are unique and exclusive pieces. The more you collaborate, the higher your chances to win. Winners will be notified through the blog of the project in Goteo crowd funding platform as well as via email and social networks. The raffle day is on March 19, 2015 (Father's Day! in Spain). COD shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect your reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 37

    Glass board

    This board is easy to clean, and durable. It looks good in any surrounding, as it is transparent. We recycle glass window. COD shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect your reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65


    You will receive a set of six porcelain cups. Designed by Italian illustrator Elisa Cesari during the creative workshop "People at Cafe". It is an original way to transform a 2D drawing in a three dimensional and functional object. COD shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect your reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person. More information:

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 114

    Artisanal necklace and earrings

    Blown glass pearl necklace with matching earrings. We gave new life to wine bottles by transforming their glass in a fruit-bowl. COD shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect your reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 303

    Tull lamp First of a numbered edition

    You will receive a Tull lamp in its first edition of 60 numbered units at a special price. It has a hand blown glass design made by Gauzak study in 2011. With your contribution this object will see the light and it will be produced here. Pick a colour of your choosing and we will make it especially for you! cod shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect your reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 379

    Creative workshop: Drawing for glass blowing technique

    It’s about the understanding the blowing glass characteristics and the possibility of reproducing your glass pieces. Two days of workshop aimed at experimenting with molds different materials and playing with hot glass; the aim is manufacturing a prototype. Work with other creative people for a better problem solving of the glass material. The workshop is limited to 4 people. It consists of 9 hours on two Saturdays: 1st edition 19 and 26 of September 2015; 2nd edition 3 and 10 of October 2015. Contact us for more information:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 498

    2 Tull lamps - Special promotion

    You will get two Tull lamps - colour of your liking-. The lamps are great decorations for your house or amazing gifts for a special person. They are made of blown glass, designed by Gauzak study in 2011. With your contribution this object will see the light and it will be produced here. COD shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect this reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 541

    Customized objects

    Glass is a versatile and useful material. We can design and create an object for you. You can trust us in the understanding and delivering of the object just as you have it in mind. COD shipping fees. We will be happy if you come to collect this reward in our studio so we’ll have a chance to thank you in person. Please visit our website of reference:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 758


    Do you already have a glass project? With us, you can test it. We’ll give you advice and help you to create afunctional prototype. Throughout the job we will keep you informed about the work in process in order to learn more about this profession. We will develop your small or large-scale production in no time.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,137

    Personalized workshops for groups

    This reward is designed for people working in groups. If you are a designer, company, school or a group that want wish to make objects in glass; you should participate in these workshops. We will apply the art of glass to your artistic field through a theoretical and practical exercise in order for you to get a real result. Open dates. Thematic workshop of 9 hours for a minimum of 4 people (€ 260 per person). Visit for more info: Contact us for more information:

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,248

    Crafty gifts

    We love celebrations! We van make a personalized gift for your guests, employees or partners. Handicraft is optimal for small productions and the pieces are quite original! These gifts are great for events, trophies, and gifts for parties. We’ll transform your object into the message you want to convey. Contact us:

    > 00 Co-financiers

Últimos empujones.¡ Los más imporantes!

20 | 01 | 2015


quedan solamente 7 días para el fin de nuestra campaña y aún estamos lejos del objetivo mínimo. Nosotos no perdemos la esperanza de que el proyecto "Corazón de cristal" se materialice y estos últimos días redoblamos nuestros esfuerzos (si es que se podía más). Ya empiezan a llegar los primeros resultados como la gran aportación por parte de ACAV: una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que quiere reunir todos los artesanos y artistas que rodean al vidrio catalán. Durante la reunión se coincidió en muchos aspectos, como la importancia de tener un espacio en la ciudad abierto que reuna todas las técnicas o la documentación del patrimonio cultural vidriero en nuestro territorio. ¡Esperamos que el crowdfunding llegue a buen puerto y que podamos compartir pronto el espacio con ellos y sus socios!

También hemos contactado con grandes magazines para que colaborasen en la difusión del proyecto. Gracias a una de las recompensas, la lámpara Tull de Gauzak, hemos conseguido la atención de Experimenta: un referente nacional en publicaciones de diseño y arquitectura. Aquí el artículo.

Por último, ya nos conocen en todas las escuelas creativas de Barcelona. Muy a nuestro pesar, no hemos conseguido financiación a tiempo para el crowdfunding pero incluirán nuestros talleres creativos en sus disciplinas a partir de Junio.

¡Muchas gracias y sigamos compartiendo el proyecto para que llegue a más gente!¡Aún estamos a tiempo!!!

Bianca y Dani




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