Contributing € 10
Our thanks and appreciation in Zirika!'s website (in a place therefore provided) to those that have contributed to our project, showing their names.
> 21 Co-financiers
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Construyamos Zirika! Herri gunea
Our thanks and appreciation in Zirika!'s website (in a place therefore provided) to those that have contributed to our project, showing their names.
Appreciation in our website and a small gift (a card especially designed by ourselves)
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (card specially designed by ourselves) and a bag designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign.
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign.
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag, a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, and an A3 sheet designed by ourselves
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, and a book published by Txalaparta or Virus
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, and a batch of organic products. THIS REWARD DOES NOT ALLOW INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
THIS REWARD IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS. Appreciation and a small gift (postcard) . In addition we offer collaboration in the organization of an event in ZIRIKA (conference, projection presentation of a book) choosed by the organization.
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, 2 books published by Txalaparta or Virus, and a batch of organic products. THIS REWARD DOES NOT ALLOW INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
THIS REWARD IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS. In return we offer appreciation in our website, a small gift (postcard), and collaboration in organizing an event in ZIRIKA! plus recording and spreading it (conference, projection, presentation of a book) that the organization chooses.
Appreciation in our website, a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, an A3 sheet designed by ourselves, 4 books published by Txalaparta or Virus, and a batch of organic products. THIS REWARD DOES NOT ALLOW INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
THIS REWARD IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS. In return we offer appreciation in our website, a small gift (postcard), and collaboration in organizing an event in ZIRIKA! plus recording and spreading it (conference, projection, presentation of a book) that the organization chooses. In addition, after the event we would organize a lunch (vegan and vegetarian option)
Kanpaina aurrera doa eta zuekin gure poztasuna ospatu nahi dugu! Gure minimoa lortu dugu eta indarrak hobezina lortzeko bidean daude! Beraz makina ezin da eten… eta zure laguntza ezinbestekoa zaigu…hortaz… oraindik ez al dakizu zer den Zirika! Herri Gunea? Hona hemen Bilbo Hiria irratiak egindako elkarrizketa hobeto ezagutu gaitzazuen…
Our thanks and appreciation in Zirika!'s website (in a place therefore provided) to those that have contributed to our project, showing their names.
> 21 Co-financiers
Appreciation and a small gift
Appreciation in our website and a small gift (a card especially designed by ourselves)
> 11 Co-financiers
Appreciation, a small gift and a bag
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (card specially designed by ourselves) and a bag designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign.
> 51 Co-financiers
Appreciation, a small gift, a bag and a t-shirt
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign.
> 53 Co-financiers
Appreciation, a small gift, a bag, a t-shirt and an A3 sheet
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag, a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, and an A3 sheet designed by ourselves
> 20 Co-financiers
Appreciation, a small gift, a bag, a t-shirt and a book
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, and a book published by Txalaparta or Virus
> 09 Co-financiers
Appreciation, a small gift, a bag a t-shirt and a batch of organic products
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, and a batch of organic products. THIS REWARD DOES NOT ALLOW INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
> 04 Co-financiers
DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS /// Appreciation, a small gift and collaboration in the organization of an event
THIS REWARD IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS. Appreciation and a small gift (postcard) . In addition we offer collaboration in the organization of an event in ZIRIKA (conference, projection presentation of a book) choosed by the organization.
> 08 Co-financiers
Appreciation ,a small gift, a bag, a t-shirt, 2 books and a batch of organic products
Appreciation in our website, and a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, 2 books published by Txalaparta or Virus, and a batch of organic products. THIS REWARD DOES NOT ALLOW INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
> 00 Co-financiers
DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS /// Appreciation , a small gift and collaboration in organizing an event, plus recording and spreading it
THIS REWARD IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS. In return we offer appreciation in our website, a small gift (postcard), and collaboration in organizing an event in ZIRIKA! plus recording and spreading it (conference, projection, presentation of a book) that the organization chooses.
> 01 Co-financiers
Appreciation, a small gift, a bag, a t-shirt, 4 books, an A3 sheet and a batch of organic products
Appreciation in our website, a small gift (postcard) a bag and a t-shirt designed expressly for the crowdfunding campaign, an A3 sheet designed by ourselves, 4 books published by Txalaparta or Virus, and a batch of organic products. THIS REWARD DOES NOT ALLOW INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING
> 00 Co-financiers
DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS /// Appreciation, a small gift and collaboration in organizing an event, plus recording and spreading it and a lunch
THIS REWARD IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED TO ORGANIZATIONS. In return we offer appreciation in our website, a small gift (postcard), and collaboration in organizing an event in ZIRIKA! plus recording and spreading it (conference, projection, presentation of a book) that the organization chooses. In addition, after the event we would organize a lunch (vegan and vegetarian option)
> 01 Co-financiers
¡Bring your tools and abilitities to build a better Zirika!
Help us prepare the restoration (moving things, cleaning, etc.).
Help us register and catalog the collection of books and documentaries of Zirika's people's library!