Contributing $ 213
I want to contribute 10
2 stickers + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
> 11 Co-financiers
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Taller CommonsCloud a Foxize:
📅 22 març 2019
📍 @ foxize
🕒 16.00 - 18: 30h
👉 [Inscripció] (
Aquest divendres...
[Read more]26 de febrer
17h | Sala Plató
Install Party i Restart Party (Restarters Barcelona + Comunitat d'usuaris d'Ubuntu en llengua catalana + CommonsCloud)
Vine i conncta't al CommonsCloud! L'objectiu d'aquest Install Party és apropar els...
Hello Pioneers of the CommonsCloud,
You can already register your account! Do it before the workshop and the launch of CommonsCloud.
We have been working for a few months to welcome you, and luckily we have the best free software projects that...
[Read more]Hello Pioneers of the CommonsCloud,
Welcome to the platform in beta! We would like to celebrate with you the launch of our self-managed cloud! We look forward to see you at the Lleialtat Santsenca , at Carrer Olzinelles, 31 on ** Wednesday...
[Read more]We kindly remind you that we need to know what size of t-shirt you want. In this link there is a small survey with the options; fill it out if you chose this reward, or if you changed your mind and you still want one:...
[Read more]Thanks co-funders of CommonsCloud!
Together you have made it possible to exceed the minimum of € 6,000 that we had marked and between your contributions and those of the City Council we have reached the sum of € 12,965.
At femProcomuns and...
[Read more][CAT] Vam aconseguir el mínim i hem avançat cap a l'òptim, però encara ens queda un tram per arribar-hi.
Volem aconseguir-ho, per això us demanem als qui ja heu fet aportacions si podeu fer un esforç comunicant el projecte pels vostres canals...
Gràcies per fer-nos arribar a la segona ronda de la campanya havent aconseguit amb escreix els 6.000 euros que havíem marcat com el mínim necessari per poder tirar endavant el projecte.
En aquesta...
[Read more]CommonsCloud is an online collaborative platform, an alternative to proprietary software platforms like Google Drive, but respectful with privacy and it doesn't commercialise your data. The ambition of the CommonsCloud project is to offer...
[Read more]Presentació de CommonsCloud en una de les sessions del IIIer Congrés SobTec18 a la Lleialtat Santsenca per parlar de projectes proveidors de solucions basades en tecnologies lliure.
**Dissabte passat, el 3 de març, vam presentar...
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