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"Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn": Cultura Local, Música Global

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Finished 10 / 11 / 2024
$ 31,186
$ 30,110
$ 88,180
13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 323

    Ticket with preferential seating for those over 65 or under 25 years old
    • 1 free ticket to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 1 preferential seat to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.

    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 430

    Reserved seat at all 5 concerts in the cycle
    • 1 preferred seat in the best location at all concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 538

    General admission with preferential seating
      1. 1 free ticket to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
      1. 1 preferential seat to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
      1. Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.

    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,075

    Sponsorship of 50 euros

    Sponsorship of 200 euros

    • 2 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 2 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,613

    Special for local businesses

    3 free tickets to choose from among the concerts of the series.
    3 preferred seats to choose from among the concerts of the series.
    A post about your business on social media, see an [example here] (https://www.instagram.com/p/C_n0TC_I6Xj/?img_index=1)

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,151

    Sponsorship of 100 euros
    • 4 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 4 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.
    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,226

    Patrons of a Single Concert
    • 4 free tickets to the chosen concert
    • 4 preferred seats at the chosen concert
    • Mention in social networks
    • Logo in brochures and concert programs

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,301

    Sponsorship of 200 euros
    • 6 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 6 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 8,603

    Sponsorship of 400 euros
    • 8 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 8 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Mention on social media
    • Logo on flyers and concert programs

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 12,904

    Sponsorship of 600 euros
    • 10 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 10 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Mention on social media
    • Logo on flyers and concert programs
    • Logo on promotional posters

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 19,357

    Sponsorship of 900 euros
    • 4 free tickets to each concert in the cycle (total of 20 tickets)
    • 4 preferred seats at each concert in the cycle (total of 20 reserved seats)
    • Mention on social media
    • Logo on flyers and concert programs
    • Logo on promotional posters
    • Promotional banner on social media
    • Special acknowledgment during the concerts

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers

El Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn: un èxit compartit!

07 | 11 | 2024

Ja han passat 40 dies des que va finalitzar la primera edició del Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn, i encara ressonen en nosaltres els moments musicals viscuts. Aquests dies anirem recordant els concerts a través de les Xarxes.

Però avui, en primer lloc, volem expressar el nostre més profund agraïment a tots els que heu participat en aquesta primera edició del Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn. La vostra presència als concerts i el vostre suport han fet possible que aquest projecte cobrés vida, convertint cada recital en una experiència memorable.

Hem gaudit de moments musicals molt bons i hem creat una comunitat que valora i dona suport a la música i als nostres músics.

Volem agrair de tot cor a tothom que ha participat en aquesta primera edició: des dels músics i col·laboradors fins al públic que ens ha acompanyat en cada concert.

Els ajuntaments de Ses Salines, Campos i Llucmajor.

La parròquia de Sant Julià de Campos i la unitat Pastoral del terme de Santanyí.

L'escola de música de Santanyí i l'hotel Ca'n bonico.

La Magnona i el Celler Mesquida Mora.

Un especial agraïment als mecenes que amb la seva aportació han fet possible que aquest cicle es dugués a terme amb les millors condicions tècniques i artístiques.

Els comerços i empreses que ens han donat suport: Casa Mandala, Ca'n Gelat, Terra orígens, Perruqueria Pèls Pèls, i especialment Pizerria Es Port per la seva generositat.

I a tots els particulars que han aportat: Joan Pons Bover, Sonia Jichi, Joana Boscà, Sebastiana Servera, Nadal Vidal, Pascal Caviggia.

La vostra col·laboració ha estat clau per fer realitat aquest projecte!

Si, voleu, encara teniu una oportunitat de formar part d’aquesta iniciativa. Tot i que el cicle ha finalitzat, la campanya de micromecenatge continua activa fins dia 10 de novembre. Les vostres aportacions ajudaran a garantir la continuïtat del Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn i a assegurar que la segona edició sigui encara més especial.

Recordau que col·laborar amb el projecte no només contribueix a enriquir la vida cultural de la nostra comunitat, sinó que també ofereix avantatges fiscals i accés a entrades gratuïtes. És una manera de participar activament en el foment de la música a la nostra comunitat

No deixeu passar aquesta oportunitat! Col·laborau avui i formau part d’aquesta història de passió i cultura

Amb el vostre suport, farem que la música segueixi sonant i que aquest projecte creixi i es consolidi per molts anys més.


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