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Baninduaien kantatzera (I am going to sing): technological folk show

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  • Contributing $ 106

    Thank you!

    Sent by e-mail from the « digital poster agreement » once the process done, with the names of all the sponsors.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Song (+Thank you)

    Sending a song from the show by e-mail or with a link.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Free pass (+Thank you + Song)

    We will notify by e-mail place and time according to Covid situation.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    CD (+Thank you + Song)

    One CD to choose from previous work the artist took part in as a drummer and designer.

      • Low Riders banda: Forgive your ennemies (2016)
    • Frank Blackfield: Still free ‘n Rockin’ (2020) Love & Loneliness (2018) We gotta move on (2017)

    A percentage will go to the band

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 744

    Vynil (+Thank you + Song)

    One Vinil to choose from previous work the artist took part in as a drummer and designer: Low Riders banda's Forgive your ennemies (2016) or Plays Lee (2014)

    A percentage will go to the band

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Two passes (+Thank you + Song)

    Invite the person of your choice to enjoy the show.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,595

    The inside work (+Thank you + Song + 2 passes)

    Show and explain the facets of the work at play, one hour.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    All the songs (+Thank you+ 2 passes)

    Sending a link by e-mail to download all the songs from the show.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Workshop (+Thank you + Song + Pass)

    A two hour workshop on Ableton or TD.

    We will notify by e-mail place and time according to Covid situation.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,254

    Your Logo (+Thank you + Song + Pass)

    Will insert your own Logo in the 1st 10 sessions.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    The show

    Home, in a Bar, Theatre, Town square and so on. All these places will adapt the show to their own specificities and will add expenses due to the equipment needed : Technicians, sound system, lights, projectors and so on.

    remember fiscal advantages

    > 00 Co-financiers

2/12/2022 Estreinaldia eta itxiera | Estreno y cierre

01 | 12 | 2022
2/12/2022 Estreinaldia eta itxiera | Estreno y cierre

Kaixo denoi,

Abenduaren 2an estreinaldia dudala gogorarazteko idazten dizuet, alde batetik. Bestetik, emanaldi hau egitearekin, bukatutzat emango dudala kanpaina hau ordainsari guztiak beteko ditudalako.

Urte hau pasa ondoren, egia da proiektua aurrera ateratzeko gai izan naizela eta oso pozik nago horregatik. Bestalde, egia esan, ez nekienez emanaldiak zer forma hartuko zuen, motx geratu nintzen aurrekontua egiterako orduan. Hurrengo proiektuetarako ikasturte eta ikasgaia izan da hau.

Espero dut Mezenas->tu zaretenok zuen apostuaz harro egotea :-) eta hemendik aurrerakoetan ere zuen laguntza jasotzea, edozein gisakoa dela ere.

Hurrengorarte beraz!

PD: emanaldiko abestiak entzungai daude hemen https://antuxuna.bandcamp.com/album/baninduaien-kantatzera-i

Kaixo a todas,

Os escribo para recordaros que el 2 de diciembre estreno el espectáculo. Por otro lado, también informaros de que con el estreno daré por finalizada la campaña, ya que cumpliré con todas las recompensas.

Este último año he conseguido sacar el poyecto adelante, cosa por la cual me siento muy feliz. Pero he de reconocer que me quedé corta a la hora de hacer el presupuesto dado a que no sabía que forma cogería el espectáculo. Ha sido una asignatura y un curso para los próximos proyectos.

Espero que todas las que os hicistes Mezenas -> estéis orgullosas de vuestra apuesta :) y que en lo venidero me ofrezcáis vuestra ayuda, sea cual sea.

Así que, ¡hasta la próxima!

PD: podéis escuchar todas las canciones del espectáculo aquí https://antuxuna.bandcamp.com/album/baninduaien-kantatzera-i


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