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Arbol Madre International Holistic School

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Finished 02 / 12 / 2021
$ 215,245
$ 150,538
$ 520,022
52 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Acknowledgement email

    We will inform you about the progress of the project via email.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276


    We will send you a bookmark made with love by our little artists.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Appointment on the website

    Your name will appear in our co-sponsor acknowledgement section on our website

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Visit to our centre

    We will personally show you the progress of our project on-site at our facilities and at any moment during the process. Nomination in our so-sponsor section of the website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,318

    Calendar and nomination in our patrons section

    We will send you 2021-2022 calendar made by our children.

    > 04 Co-financiers

About this project

Arbol Madre grows to respond to the community demands and needs of new facilities for the primary education stage

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Septic tank
Purchase and installation of the septic oxidation tank
$ 65,878
Adaptation of the green areas
Green areas are an essential part of our pedagogy. However, the current area lacks of fruit trees, irrigation system, mowing, weeding, ploughing...We luckily count with the help of our families.
$ 28,078
Security: instalation, fire extinguisher, signalization, accesories, etc.
In compliance with the current regulation
$ 8,934
Normal and accesibility specifical doors acoording with legal requeriments for handicapped people.
$ 12,763
Adaptación normativa de accesibilidad: rampas de accesos.
Losa maziza de hormigón armado , formación de pendiente, tablero cerámico en cubierta inclinada, revestimiento ya pasamanos
$ 17,443
Adaptación cuarto de baño a normativa de accesibilidad
Barra de sujeción para minusválidos, para inodoro, colocada en pared, abatible, con forma de U, de aluminio y nylon Lavabo de porcelana sanitaria, mural, de altura fija, de 680x580 mm, equipado con grifería, instalado sobre ménsulas fijadas a bastidor.
$ 17,443
3 months of rent
Rent and deposit coverage for the start-up of the project while we set-up the new location. This will allow us to gain momentum in the challenging initial moments, that is why we find ourselves in the need to request collaboration to cover the first months of rent.
$ 46,797
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Technical advice and reports for the action project and execution and work projects. Necessary studies of the space to be able to receive advise in relation to the works that must be carried out for the homologation of Primary Education. The architect advises us on the architectural technical process with the Ministry, and designs the execution and works project for the Junta de Andalucía.
$ 53,179
Legal advice for the process of approval
We consider that the legal process to be an international school in spain is so complex, that would be absolutely convenient to have specifics consultancy services.
$ 63,814
Paint coating of the walls after partitioning. Material and workmanship.
$ 14,890
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Pedagogical material
Equipment and material for primary education projects and subjects (blackboards, books, art and craft resources, etc.)
$ 41,479
Classroom furniture and multipurpose hall
$ 72,323
Kitchen furniture and household appliances to cover the needs for self-service breakfast and lunch, and activities related with learning.
$ 19,570
Swimming pool fence
Intallation works and workmanship
$ 25,526
Cold and heat pumps
Adapted to the diferent spaces requeriments
$ 31,907
Total $ 150,538 $ 520,022

General information

Órgiva is a multicultural place with people from 60 nationalities, with great attraction for families who come to this corner of Andalusia in search of a lifestyle and an alternative way of educating and raising their children. Until now, our families with boys and girls from 3 to 6 years old had their expectations covered with elementary options from another alternative school after leaving Arbol Madre.

This alternative gave continuity to our children. However, various factors have made this option unavailable due to a legal vacuum around the regulation of Home Schooling. This situation has made our families to leave the community as currently there are no legal options for alternative primary education.

How did our initiative come up?

Arbol Madre International Holistic School arises in response to:

  • the need of our families,
  • filling the void left by another school and meet the needs of these children who could not complete their educational stage,
  • the need of international families who choose Órgiva to live as a benchmark for alternative life,
  • the new look towards rural life that Coronavirus crisis itself has caused, making some families flee to rural areas in search of a better quality for their children's childhood,
  • the general increase in the demand for primary education services in the community .

For all these reasons, and because it is the only regularized project in Órgiva offering educational services since 2012, we feel we have Social Responsibility to start a process of expansion and approval in which we want to make you participate and for which we need you.

We are aware that if the many families with children of primary age, who have chosen alternative education as a personal choice and for which they moved to Órgiva, do not see their needs met, will leave.

We also want to convey this concern to the local administration and the citizens of Órgiva, because in the medium term we know that this exodus of families will be prejudicial to the community at all levels.
This process of emigration of families has already begun, and if solutions are not provided, we will all lose out.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The Arbol Madre stunning new venue for kids 6-12 is located in the beautiful Sierra de las Alpujarras, between olive and orange trees. The initial investment to adapt the space to the legal requeriments is quite high for us, mainly in infrastructure, materials, services and legal advice.

Since the Montessori Alpujarras Cultural Association is a non-profit association, we do not have initial capital.

Our objective with this campaign is to obtain initial funds which are absolutely necessary so we can be able to start the project:

  • Technical services for the Study of Requirement and feasibility.
  • Safety, accessibility and health reports.
  • Adaptation works of the building to meet the requirements for educational use
  • Conditioning of the space
  • Infrastructure
  • Carpentry
  • Furniture
  • Illumination
  • Heating
  • School supplies
  • Exterior and garden conditioning
  • Pool fence
  • Legal advice
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Why this is important


In order to be a real option in the shortest possible time and as an initial impulse for the first expenses, we address:

  • Arbol Madre families who wish to give continuity to alternative education during the primary cycle.
  • Families of the old Waldorf school, who see in us hope to continue the education of their children.
  • The international community of the Alpujarras for whom the option of an international, bilingual and holistic school is the best educational and integration option for their children.
  • External families who came or want to settle in the future and are looking for an answer to their expectations both for the infant and primary stage as well as for family activities, summer school, or learning community.
  • Public and private entities interested in maintaining Órgiva's population and attracting families for the economic benefit of Órgiva.
  • Associations, communities or cooperatives that connect with our values and that want to contribute to Ógiva's alternative educational positioning.
  • Individuals or legal entities, co-sponsors, who want to support us through donations with money, infrastructure, professional services, materials, marketing support, communication and dissemination of our project to help us achieve our goal.
  • All those who think that another way of educating is possible and with their hearts wish to contribute to our dream.
  • To the entire community of Órgiva which manifests so much in favor of the community and unity, it is time to show it. Between all it is possible.

We also want to convey this concern to the local administration and the citizens of Órgiva, because in the medium term we know that this exodus of families will harm the community at all levels.
This process of emigration of families has already begun, and if solutions are not provided, we will all lose out.

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Team and experience

Since 2012, there are many families and people with great enthusiasm and effort who have planted their seed to weave this dream, perhaps without knowing. On previous occasions it has been tried and the voice of homologation has been launched, but the enormous complexity of the process, the lack of action or the fact that there were other options, dispelled the idea.

Two years ago, we began to explore different ways of legalization. Since the beginning of the last school year, a group of professionals who are experts in different areas (such as pedagogy, business, sustainability, education for multiculturalism, neurotherapy for learning, marketing, communication and institutional relations), sensitive to the situation of the community and to the lack of alternatives for their children, have received this initiative with love, and with enormous effort and enthusiasm they have begun this challenging mission.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss