Accompanying to break the silence

Finished 18 / 01 / 2024
£ 15,243
£ 12,994
£ 29,532
216 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Solidarity Support

    With your contribution you are helping us to continue accompanying the rehabilitation process of people affected by violence. Thanks to you, we will continue to warn and denounce that torture and ill-treatment are still current practices.

    Remember that if you contribute 10 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 8 euros, so your real expense will be €2. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Solidarity Support

    With your contribution you are helping us to continue accompanying the rehabilitation process of people affected by violence. Thanks to you, we will continue to warn and denounce that torture and ill-treatment are still current practices.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • A one-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 15 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 12 to you, so your real expense will be €3. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Partner - Semi-annual member

    With this contribution you will be a member of Sir[a] for 6 months, and you contribute so that we can continue accompanying the therapeutic and legal processes of those who have suffered political violence. Thanks to you, we will be able to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated cloth bag from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 25 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 20 to you, so your real expense will be €5. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Partner - Annual member

    With this contribution you will be a member of Sir[a] for one year, and you contribute so that we can continue accompanying the therapeutic and legal processes of those who have suffered political violence. Thanks to you, we will be able to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated T-shirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 40 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 32, so your real expense will be €8*. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 59 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 68

    Break the silence - Semi-annual member

    You will be a member of Sir[a] for 6 months. With your contribution, you will help us to continue supporting survivors of violence in a comprehensive way, and to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    Furthermore, thanks to you, we will be able to generate more training and advocacy spaces, from which to denounce that torture is a practice that is still in force. With you, we will continue defending the need to integrate a psychosocial, transcultural, anti-racist and gender perspective in working with vulnerable people.

    • With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated T-shirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • Illustrated cloth bag from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • 10% discount on all continuing training courses of the Community Action Group (GAC)

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 80 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 64, so your real expense will be €16. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 101

    Break the silence - Annual member

    You will be a member of Sir[a] for one year. With your contribution, you will help us to continue supporting survivors of violence in a comprehensive way, and to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    Furthermore, thanks to you, we will be able to generate more training and advocacy spaces, from which to denounce that torture is a practice that is still in force. With you, we will continue defending the need to integrate a psychosocial, transcultural, anti-racist and gender perspective in working with vulnerable people.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated sweatshirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • Illustrated cloth bag from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • 20% discount on all continuing training courses of the Community Action Group (GAC)

    • 20% discount on books from the Irredentos publishing house

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 120 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 96 to you, so your real expense will be €24. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 169

    Break the silence - Annual member

    You will be a member of Sir[a] for one year. With your contribution, you will help us to continue supporting survivors of violence in a comprehensive way, and to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    Furthermore, thanks to you, we will be able to generate more training and advocacy spaces, from which to denounce that torture is a practice that is still in force. With you, we will continue defending the need to integrate a psychosocial, transcultural, anti-racist and gender perspective in working with vulnerable people.

    Your support is crucial so that we can undertake new projects and research from which to continue accompanying those who suffer political violence.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated sweatshirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • Illustrated T-shirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • 50% discount on all continuing training courses of the Community Action Group (GAC)

    • 50% discount on books from the Irredentos publishing house

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 200 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 137.5 euros, so your real expense will be €62.5. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 169

    Break the silence - Collective member - organizations

    The Sir[a] Center is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their financial income.

    A large part of our work is to accompany social movement groups or organizations affected by political violence, who have suffered police abuse during demonstrations, or who have suffered psychosocial impacts while protesting. With your contribution, your group will be contributing to the support of other organizations, or guaranteeing the rehabilitation and reparation process of individual people affected by violence.

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 200 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 137.5 euros, so your real expense will be 62.5 euros. At the company level, your real expense will be €130. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 422

    Red Sir[a] - Caring network

    The Sir[a] Center is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their financial income.

    A large part of our work is to accompany social movement groups or organizations affected by political violence, who have suffered police abuse during demonstrations, or who have suffered psychosocial impacts while protesting. With your contribution, your group will be contributing to the support of other organizations, or guaranteeing the rehabilitation and reparation process of individual people affected by violence.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • A 2-hour care workshop for your team

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 500 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 242.5, so your real expense will be €257.5. At the company level, your real expense will be 325 euros. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 844

    Red Sir[a] - Training newtork

    The Sir[a] Center is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their financial income.

    A large part of our work is to accompany social movement groups or organizations affected by political violence, who have suffered police abuse during demonstrations, or who have suffered psychosocial impacts while protesting. With your contribution, your group will be contributing to the support of other organizations, or guaranteeing the rehabilitation and reparation process of individual people affected by violence.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • A 4-hour training on some of the areas in which the entity specializes. You can consult the training offer here

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 1,000 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 417.5 euros, so your real expense will be €582.5. At the company level, your real expense will be 650 euros. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    (*) The production format may vary depending on the geographical location.

    > 00 Co-financiers
En breve acaba la 2a ronda de nuestro Goteo, aquí puedes seguir los últimos detalles (haz clic)
Doscientas donaciones ya... No es sólo una campaña, ¡es un motor de ilusión!
¡Lo hemos logrado! Campaña cofinanciada en Goteo gracias a mucha gente ;)
100% del mínimo superado, toda una alegría… ¡Gracias!
Casi, casi, casi estamos… ¿Cómo acabará este Goteo? Haz clic para saber quién nos ha apoyado ya.
Muy cerca del objetivo en Goteo, ¡aporte a aporte!
Tic-tac, momento clave para aportar en Goteo esta última semana. ¡Te necesitamos!
Llegar hasta aquí ya tiene mérito: ¡50% de recaudación superado!

Os presentamos 'Días nublados' un podcast del Centro Sira

📻 En el marco de esta campaña os compartimos el primer capítulo de nuestro podcast Brechas - Historias para acompañarnos. Recogemos la historia de Julio Pacheco y Rosa García, las primeras supervivientes de tortura durante...

[Read more]
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
¿Ya han pasado 20 días de campaña? Momento para recordar colaboraciones no monetarias.

Acompáñanos el próximo 21 de noviembre a la presentación de la campaña en el Teatro del Barrio (Madrid)

Gracias a todas vuestras aportaciones hemos llegado ya al 30% del Goteo. ¡Para poder llegar a nuestro objetivo necesitamos ser muchas personas más! ¿Nos ayudas a llegar a más gente compartiendo esta campaña con **5...

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Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
¡1ª semana en Goteo! Os recordamos la motivación de esta campaña (haz clic).
Necesitamos apoyos en Goteo para estos objetivos (haz clic)
Esto es lo que queremos hacer y est@s somos nosotr@s
Hemos recibido una donación de 500€ a la campaña, ¡muchísimas gracias!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
¡Arranca esta campaña!