¡Únete al FSMET: Foro Social Mundial de las Economías Transformadoras!

Filed on 29 / 12 / 2019
$ 5,474
$ 27,205
$ 43,528
35 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Gratitude (published on website)

    We will sincerely thank you and we will publish your name as a sponsor on our website: transformadora.org.
    Also, thanks to this donation you will have tax benefits (only for people living and paying taxes in Spain).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Gratitude + paper magazine El Salto Diario (to deliver in Barcelona or Spanish territories, including islands)

    El Salto believes in a radically different journalism: without the financing from the main corporations of Spain's stock market, democratic, de-centralized and with collective property. Be among the first ones to read the contents of its paper magazine.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Gratitude + cloth bag WSFTE (to deliver in Barcelona)

    You will receive a cloth bag with the WSFTE motto.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Gratitude + WSFTE agenda (to deliver in Barcelona) + a book published by Pol·len (in Spanish or Catalan)

    You will get an agenda with WSFTE logo and basic informations on the process towards 2020 Forum. You can also choose one from five books published by Pol·len, an independent publishing house, specialized in ecological publishing of books about critical thinking. We propose you books about agroecology, social and solidarity economy or ethical financing, to deepen your knowledge on transformative economies.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Gratitude + merchandising to choose (shipping to all Spanish territories, including islands), or El Salto newspaper (international shipping)

    You can choose the reward you prefer and where would you like to receive it by answering to the mail we will send you through Goteo platform.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 44

    Gratitude + one-day pass for WSFTE / one-year digital subscription to El Salto

    Besides our gratitude, you will be able to choose between two different rewards:

    • A one-day ticket to participate on WSFTE in Barcelona (25th-28th June 2020) (limited to 7 people)
    • A one-year digital subscription to El Salto Diario. This subscription gives access to digital version of newspaper and members area on the website. You will also received a weekly digest with main news. (Limited option)

    You can choose the reward you prefer and where would you like to receive it by answering to the mail we will send you through Goteo platform.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Gratitude + one-day ticket to WSFTE + merchandising

    You will be able to participate in WSFTE in Barcelona for one day (between 25th and 28th June 2020), and you will also be able to choose the merchandising article you prefer (limited to 7 people)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 71

    Gratitude + one-year El Salto paper subscription (shipping to Spanish territories including islands) + 5 books published by Pol·len

    During one year, you will receive El Salto paper magazine at home and a weekly newsletter, and you will also have access to digital version and the members area on the website.

    You can also choose to get a pack of five books published by Pol·len, an independent publishing house, specialized in ecological publishing of books about critical thinking. We propose you books about agroecology, social and solidarity economy or ethical financing, to deepen your knowledge on transformative economies.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 82

    Gratitude + two-days ticket to WSFTE

    You will be able to attend WSFTE in Barcelona for two days, between 25th and 28th June 2020 (limited to 7 people)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 92

    Gratitude + 4-day ticket to WSFTE + merchandising

    You will be able to access to all activities during the 4 days of WSFTE in Barcelona, between 25th and 28th June 2020, and you will be able to choose the merchandising article you like the most (limited to 7 people)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Gratitude + one-year El Salto paper subscription (international shipping)

    During one year, you will receive El Salto paper magazine at home and a weekly newsletter, and you will also have access to digital version and the members area on the website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 457

    Gratitude + 2 four-day tickets to WSFTE `merchandising + food on 4 days of WSFTE to 2 people

    You can attend WSFTE in Barcelona during four days with the person you choose. We will also invite you to the food during the 4 days (8 meals), and you will be able to choose to merchandising articles.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,088

    Banner on website

    If you want to make a big donation to WSFTE, we will make visible the logo of your organization in a banner on our website.

    • We won't accept donations from entities that don't share WSFTE's values and principles.
    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

A Forum to get to know and interconnect alternatives to capitalism

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Translation and interpretation (coordination tasks)
We want to hear the diversity of voices that bring their ideas, thoughts and practices to transform the world. With your donation to WSFTE you will contribute to guarantee the work of at least 10 translators during the 4 days of WSFTE. Their work will allow all participants to express in their own languages. It will also bring access to WSFTE information to more people.
$ 16,323
Participation grants - Accommodation
Bearing in mind the spirit of the Forum, based on solidarity, we are launching a "Solidarity Beds Network", coordinated through an app, that will allow to link people who need free accommodation, with people that are offering it. Nevertheless, we foresee that this Network won't be able to answer the needs of all participants, and there will also be people with special needs. That's why a small part of the participation grants will be dedicated to accommodation. These grants will cover the accommodation of 20 people during the WSFTE (3 nights), and it will contribute to the development of the app we need to start up the "Solidarity Beds Network". *For the reservation of the accommodation we will take into account those establishments that are inside Social and Solidarity Economy circuit.
$ 2,721
Participation grants - Travel tickets
Most of the participation grants will be dedicated to cover the travel tickets for the participants, with the aim of contribuiting to eradicate the barriers to participation. With your donation you can contribute to let at least 8 people from diverse countries travel to Barcelona to participate in WSFTE.
$ 8,162
Public campaign
We plan a public campaign to make WSFTE present everywhere: posters in the streets, ads in the underground TV station, news on the media and social media, communication actions... We believe that is important to share a message with more people: another world alternative to capitalism is already going on. Help us spreading this message!
$ 8,706
Strengthen the technical team
We currently have a team of ten people working part-time on technical tasks. We need to ensure their continuity until the Forum. With this crowdfunding initiative, we will cover part of the salaries of the person who is in charge of International Mobilization. She is responsible for the dynamization of participation spaces and for the mapping of transformative initiatives all over the world. She also welcomes and accompanies people and organizations interested in participating in the Forum. Thanks to her work. WSFTE will arrive to all corners of the world, and both online and in-person participation in the Forum will be stimulated. Can we count on your support?
$ 7,617
Total $ 27,205 $ 43,528

General information

The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies is an international meeting that will be held between 25th and 28th of June 2020 in Barcelona. It includes projects form around the world, based on economies that are an alternative to capitalism, and that show that another world is possible. The event is inspired on the World Social Forum, that has been celebrated in different parts of the world since 2001.

Transformative economies have the will to propose an alternative to capitalism. While capitalism is based on productivity and profit, and subdues people and the environment to get a better economic performance, transformative economies have people and environment at the center of its activity.

In the case of WSFTE, transformative economies are based on four movements:

  • feminist economies, that put caring, life and all the porcesses that make it possible at the center of the system;
  • agroecologic movements, that rethinks the food producing model and aims to ensure food sovereignty;
  • the commons movement, that proposes a community management of goods and resources, as an alternative to both public and private management;
  • social and solidarity economy, that includes fair trade and ethical financing, based on cooperativism to build a solidarity market, self management and economy democratization

Besides these movements, there are another two that affect them: education and research, and the building pf public policies. Both are oriented to impulse transformative economies.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

WSFTE is not an event that only lasts a few days, nor a showroom for international speakers. Its main aim is to serve as a process for grassroots movements and transformative economies initiatives, to help them converge and collaborate in the long term. The goal is to bring these movements closer, these movements that share the will to put people and the environment in the center of the economy to finish with an economy based on extractivism, growth, competitivity and markets. So WSFTE has to bring space to make these alternative models to capitalism walk together towards collaborative and resilient societies, and to build up and strengthen alliances an strategic actions by working together.

We want the Forum to be an space for mmeting, exchanging and debating, and we want it to last in the long term, creating connections between different networks, organizations and initiatives that work on transformative economies around the world.

Collaborative process
We want the Forum to be built thanks to coordinated work in different commissions: logistics, content, communication, virtual mobilization... It is inspired by ideas, experiences and knowledge from all people who participate in the process, and aims to become a plural space, where diverse people and movements can be included.

Get to know
We propose that WSFTE becomes an space to get to know different proposals, alternative to capitalism, taht are already working, to be more conscious of this "another possible world", that is not just a concept, but a tangible reality.

Territorial organization
We want the process to expand in different territories, and to seve as an excuse to link movements and initiatives that are already working in the territories.


Why this is important

We need that the Forum reaches the maximum number or people as possible. On a first stage, we address people that are already involved in any aspect of transformative economies, so they can help us by spreading the message and economically supporting the process through its contacts with another organizations and projects.

Later we intend to reach all those people who, although not being related to transformative economies, have interest on participating in these projects from different realities and territories.


Team and experience

El Foro Social Mundial de las Economías Transformadoras se basa en los Foros Sociales Mundiales (FSM) que se organizan desde el año 2001 en diferentes ciudades del mundo. En 2016, en el Foro Social Mundial de Quebec, se decidió impulsar un Foro Social Mundial temático sobre economías alternativas al capitalismo, mientras que en 2018, durante el Foro Social Mundial de Salvador de Bahía, se comunicó que la sede de este Foro sería Barcelona.

La decisión de emprender este proceso en Barcelona no es casual: Catalunya es un referente mundial del cooperativismo y la economía solidaria, con una historia marcada por las luchas sociales. Una vez más, el país destacará en la escena mundial por su compromiso social y su voluntad de construir un mundo mejor.

Para activar este proceso, desde 2018 se pusieron en marcha diferentes grupos locales de trabajo hacia el FSMET, con el apoyo inicial de tres organizaciones impulsoras: la Xarxa d’Economia Solidaria de Catalunya (XES), la Red de Redes de la Economía Alternativa y Solidaria (REAS) y la Red Intercontinental de Promoción de la Economía Social y Solidaria (Ripess).

A medida que ha ido creciendo el proceso, también ha aumentado el número de personas implicadas: hoy son ya 23 las redes y organizaciones internacionales que coordinan el proceso, conjuntamente con el grupo local de Barcelona, que será la sede del evento.

En paralelo, ha crecido además el equipo humano que trabaja cada día para hacer del FSMET una realidad. Hoy está integrado por 10 personas que se encargan de tareas de movilización (a escala local, internacional y virtual), logística (con planificación, logística y producción), comunicación (con tareas de gestión de prensa y comunicación) y gestión económica (coordinación de financiación y administración).


Social commitment