El miedo a las nubes

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Finished 02 / 03 / 2019
$ 4,245
$ 3,488
$ 9,182
60 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Donor nameplate

    Your name will be in the project nameplate and it will be given to the members of the tribe.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Nameplate+picture of workshop (by emial)

    The pic of artisans working at the workshop (by email)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Nameplate+pic of workshop+tribe chief letter

    The letter will be written by the tribe chief and will be sent to your mail. So please, remember to drop your mail address.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 81

    Nameplate+pic of workshop+tribe chief letter+handcraft

    The handcraft shall be calf muscle brace which, according to tribe knowledge, help to walk in the mountain.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Nameplate+pic of workshop+tribe chief letter+handcraft+framed picture of Manobo Matig Salug

    Framed picture of Manobo Matig Salug to your mail address. So please, drop your mail address.

    > 17 Co-financiers

About this project

Scared of Clouds. Children of a small village in The Philippines are terrified by a typhoon.

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Purchase of food crops seeds
Purchase of seeds such as rice, kamote, nuts. Planting season will be beginning of March 2019.
$ 1,237
Equipment and materials for handcraft workshop
Purchase of equipment and materials such as wood, cotton, textiles materials, clay.
$ 1,731
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Goteo Commission and rewards delivery expenses
Goteo Commission and rewards delivery expenses
$ 520
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Rehabilitation of worshop
Rehabilitation of a house located in an good commercial area to host the handcraft workshop and sale the products. It includes the purchase of materials such as metallic roof, wood, concrete, bricks. It is included too labor expenses.
$ 5,694
Total $ 3,488 $ 9,182

General information

The Matig Salug children living in the mountains of Mindanao, Philippines, are scared of clouds. This is a fear that sprung after the VINTA typhoon. Their mothers say that when clouds loom in the afternoon sky, children do not attend school, or even seek some other higher hut where to sleep cause they no feel sure any more in the valley. Trauma and uncertainty of where to live is a common and persistent subject.

Children are indeed unprotected. The DRRMC-Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council- agency created after Typhoon Yolanda in 2013 precisely to respond to natural disasters, did not work in Simsimon. On the one hand, it didn´t warn them in time. In other words, they could not get ready. On the other hand, typhoon damages of Matig Salug in Simsimon were not documented in assessments resports and therefore were not enlisted as beneficiaries. As a matter of fact, 25 huts (out of 45) were totally or partially destroyed, the water system was totally broken, farming tools, seeds and livestock lost. Well, nothing was documented, it was all silenced. Therefore, children of Simsimon are not only exposed to natural disasters but to the inefficiency of the humanitarian respond system too.

This is another chapter in the history of neglect towards the Matig Saglug as Indigenous people. Lack of recognition of their Ancestral Domain and invasion of their lands, massive logging of the forest they used to live in and be a part of, manipulation by miners, rebel army, Monsanto hybrid corn. The resettlement of the Matig Salug in small valleys after the disappearance of the rain forest, the erosion of the slopes and the new storm patterns produced by climate change (quantity and intensity) have paved the way for typhoons to increase its deadly effect in the area.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Now it is time to revert this story, this struggle. This project starts with:

-Advocacy and Participation: We have initiated a participatory process in the village to discuss about the benefit of moving the settlement to a safer place. The debate is ongoing and it’s their call to decide whether to move or not. At the same time we have been advocating to local government units to enlist Simsimon inhabitants in their rehabilitation programs. Thanks to this effort, the huts destroyed by the storm will be repaired soon!

-Sustainable income generating activities: In here comes your contribution. We have started a workshop in which a skilled blacksmith teaches youth to forge the tolls to cultivate the fields. In this way, the traditional blacksmith is now transmitted to the next generation when having the utensils back is essential. Then, with your help, we will buy the seeds (such as rice, camote and nuts). By doing so, we will be able to increase food security and reduce malnutrition. And finally, as well with your support,
we will help them make and sell their crafts (native cotton weaving, bracelets, kitos). In order to do that, aside getting all materials and equipment, we expect to rebuild a small house near the road in which they can sell their products.

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Why this is important

-On the one hand, it is essential to generate income generating activities as soon as possible, so they can first get rid of dependency towards the humanitarian system and second, they can face their problems through their own means. All money collected in this campaign will be used for the activities mentioned above. There is not associated or indirect cost in the side of Fundacion Allegro.

-On the other hand, this initiative is important from a symbolic point of view just because it brings a message to the members of the tribe; we are telling them that in spite of being locally marginalized (given the interethnic power dynamics in the Philippines), beyond their borders, on the other side, there are people like you and I, who feels with them, who support them. Therefore, the reciprocity networks and exchanges, so important in their culture and tradition, are alive thousands of miles away. Definitely that helps too in order to make feel children protected and safe.

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Team and experience

Felipe Aixala Font de Rubinat; Ph.D in Cultural Anthropology (USAL). His research interest is on the field of action oriented research and participation. He has a long experience at University of Salamanca as Lecturer as well as working on the field in the Philippines, Ethiopia, Bolivia and Guiena Bissau. He is the founder and the President of Fundacion Allegro.

Andrés Narros Lluch; Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology (UNED). His research interest is in Anthropology of Development and Southeast Asian Studies looking at how international development project standards (“rationalities without borders”) engage with local cultural complexities such as traditional power, kinship, gender, knowledge and language. He has field experience as development practitioner in the Philippines, Iran, Afghanistan, Malawi, Chile and Guatemala. He is the Progam Coordinator at Fundacion Allegro.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • No poverty

    Economic growth must be inclusive to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality.

  • Zero Hunger

    The food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development, and is central for hunger and poverty eradication.

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.