💪 Last October 17 we celebrated #WritersDay and we remember Virginia Woolf when she wrote "... for most of history, Anonymous was a woman." Since then it has rained a lot, but not enough and even grotesque as in the case of The revealed identity of Carmen Mola (pseudonym with which three writers won the Planeta Prize this year) arouses more fears than happiness.
📬 In this newsletter we want to discover three projects that seek to remove valuable citizen initiatives from anonymity and focus on the problems that we can solve by cooperating: documenting the history of a monumental building to recover its use, promoting a workshop room for neighborhood groups and publish a children's story to convey the reality of energy poverty. These are the projects that renew our hope and so we hope they inspire you.
The silence of the temple 🏛

🏛 Recovering the Taller Masriera building in Barcelona's Eixample is to reveal a historical legacy and, at the same time, rebuild a space for the community and for culture. For this reason, the objective of the #ConstruyamosElFuturoMasRiera campaign is to obtain the co-financing of 50% of the cost of making a documentary.
🎬 They have already started to develop a series of audiovisual files and have dared to shoot with professional media the images that will make up El Silencio del Templo. This documentary is a key element to facilitate the integration of the building in the imaginary of the neighborhood and of all citizens and to promote the new history of Taller Masriera.
💧 You can contribute a little, or a lot, collaborating in this project in goteo.cc/thesilenceoftemple.
La remezcla 🥣

🥣 La Remezcla will be a collective space located inside the Ateneu Candela, in Terrassa. Currently it is a room / workshop where various groups from the city meet regularly: feminist groups, the PAH of Terrassa, the Sindicat de Llogateres, Terrassa Sense Murs, l'Espai Trans, l'Assemblea Ecologista La Paparola, etc.
📚 It is also the space where, for years, the Synusia bookstore has located some of the self-training, workshops and reading groups that they organize since the bookstore itself, located in the attic of the Ateneu, is quite small.
👉 If you want to help them take this step for the stable, continuous and community use of the room, go to goteo.cc/laremezcla.
And there was light 💡

💡 And there was light is a story inspired by the families of the Alliance against Energy Poverty and the testimony of the childhood of the Cañada Real, who have lived without light for a year. It is a story illustrated by Ivonne Navarro Varas that aims to contribute a small grain of sand to overcome this injustice collectively.
😊 With a simple and at the same time forceful language, it is the ideal story so that in educational settings these situations can be accompanied and, at the same time, strengthen the support networks that want to reverse this situation.
👉 You can support them in goteo.cc/ysehizolaluz.
🚀 #MatchImpulsa2021 begins!

💜We are celebrating! This year we promoted the first call for projects within Matchimpulsa, the transversally feminist program for the digitization and platformization of the solidarity and collaborative economy of Barcelona. We will accompany them in the launch of their crowdfunding campaigns to strengthen their projects.
🧰 Led by Càtedra Oberta (UOC, Barcelona Activa and Barcelona City Council) and directed by Dimmons, its mission is to promote strategic actions, connections, work dynamics and instruments so that public policies and the ecosystem of cities can face challenges and seize opportunities from the platform economy.
✊ Among the selected groups this year we find Mensakas SCCL, Verificat, Les Mercedes Barcelona SCCL y Mercat Social SCCL (Quèviure), among many others just as powerful. We will inform and help in everything we can to move forward together.
🤖 #DecidimFest21

🗓 Today October 20 begins the #DecidimFest21 to debate on Democracy, Technology and Global Justice. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis are increasingly visible in our society, accentuating the existing social inequalities between the Global South and North.
🌐 In the context of an international conference, these differences are reflected in the impossibility for some participants to attend the event due to the unfair distribution of vaccines between countries or the carbon footprint that their transfer from other continents would entail.
🖥 Faced with the unjust and undemocratic differences between the Global South and North, this edition of Decidim Fest will be developed with free technologies under a format with different types of sessions: 🟠 In person on the Canòdrom stage with speakers present, 🔵 Hybrid on the stage of the Canodrom with speakers by videoconference (the moderator will be present) and 🟢 Online, being able to follow all the sessions held in Canòdrom live by streaming.
👉 Decidim Fest is open to everyone and is free, with prior registration here so we encourage you to join one of its various sessions.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!

Following our aim to help develop the commons economy and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! An online meeting cooperative that cares about privacy and allows people and organisations to have quality online meetings with ethical tools.