✊🏽 Exceptional times require exceptional measures. This phrase is attributed to the Greek philosopher Hippocrates and we subscribe to it 100%. As the population at risk and the most exposed people are already beginning to be vaccinated, in Goteo we are also checking how new campaigns are reactivated in the face of a hopeful spring. At the same time, we are witnessing a new wave (we lost count already) of cuts in the right of expression and the strengthening of the extreme right in our country.
📬 In this exceptional newsletter we want to tell you about two very different and complementary events that will help promote many more projects of social impact, show our complaint about the imprisonment of Pablo Hasel and reflect on the danger of the loss of fundamental rights.
BlueCrowd 🌊

⛵️ Faced with the current climate, economic and social crisis, BLUE CROWDFUNDING is a 32-month project co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the regional InterregMED program, implemented by a partnership of 13 members from 8 Mediterranean countries (Spain, Italy, Greece , Slovenia, Portugal, Cyprus, Albania and Croatia). Its main objective is to promote the knowledge and use of crowdfunding for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), cooperatives, social entrepreneurs, civil society organizations and Mediterranean NGOs that work in the blue economy sector, since it has been detected that innovation in this sector could be significantly improved if more investment funds were made available.
🗺 A possible solution could be the use of crowdfunding, but in the MED area the knowledge and capacities of the stakeholders are still scarce compared to Northern Europe. Therefore, the priority of this project is to improve innovation capacities in the blue economy sector by integrating alternative financing methods such as crowdfunding with the ambition of unleashing positive change by financing, sustaining and validating innovative blue economy projects. .
🌅 Within the framework of the BlueCrowdfunding project, 6 of the 13 partners involved will launch, each in their own territory of intervention, a call to select projects promoted by SMEs, cooperatives, social entrepreneurs, civil society organizations and Mediterranean NGOs that want to learn to successfully carry out crowdfunding campaigns to develop projects with social impact in the blue economy sector. In Spain, the person in charge of this activity is the Seville Chamber of Commerce, which has contracted Platoniq to be in charge of launching the call, giving support and training to the selected projects, and guaranteeing them a space within Goteo to launch their crowdfunding campaigns.
💙 We encourage you to know more and participate in BlueCrowdfunding.
Crowdcoop? Relaunch and Online Event! 😊

🤗 Could we get tired of saying that crowdcoop.org is being a success and that we encourage you to submit your idea? Not at all. What's more: we are going to make an online event in style (music, interviews, dialogues and much more) to boost its relaunch.
✌ It has been a success in Catalonia helping to promote cooperative projects and we want the idea to reach the entire territory in order to strengthen the social and solidarity economy wherever it is. And if there are still no projects in your area, we want to get there to give the necessary support with which new seeds sprout and grow.
😊 For now you can enjoy the new website with this nice family of characters that represent different roles to be played within the phenomenon. Go to crowdcoop.org to find out who can be you!
And before we forget: you will find the date with the link to the event here. It will be next week, so get ready.
Pablo Hasél and the extreme right 🙋

Today, Tuesday, while we are writing this newsletter, rapper Pablo Hasél has been arrested at the University of Lleida. The singer has been tried and must enter prison to serve a nine-month sentence for glorifying terrorism and insults to the crown.
The events for which the National Court ordered his admission date back to the 2014-2016 period, when he published 64 messages on Twitter and a song on the YouTube video channel that the justice considered criminal, by imputing the King Emeritus and Felipe in their lyrics VI the commission of multiple crimes.
From Goteo and Platoniq we show all our solidarity. In Hasél's own words, which we support from here: "It is not necessary to agree with my opinions to see clearly that this imprisonment is a serious attack against freedom of expression."
In this same direction, we also see worrying about the growth of attacks based on hate and the political representation of parties that feed them while promoting legislative changes against the rights of women and the LGTBI group: repeal of the Abortion Law and the Law of Gender Violence to enact one of intrafamily violence, as well as the possibility of weddings between same-sex couples.
For this reason we want to express our support to groups such as the Observatory against Homophobia, who work to stop the sense of impunity of the citizens in relation to situations of LGTBI-phobia and improve support in the complaint and criminal procedure for situations of LGTBI-phobia; Verificat, a group that analyzes and distinguishes which messages launched by the political class are reliable, misleading or outright false; and Digital Fems, with projects such as Datos Contra El Ruido, a team of technologists that releases data from official sources and creates visualizations to understand the presence and evolution of sexist violence in Spain .
We will always be by your side to support you and we will put our communication networks, like this newsletter itself, to report unsustainable situations and put the necessary resources to face them, improve things and move forward. We are Goteo.
Do you want to be part of the team?

💻 Are you a developer? Are you committed to social transformation through open technologies? At Platoniq LAB and Fundación Goteo we are looking for a creative from the code to join our #CivicDevs team
Among its main functions will be working with the source code of the goteo.org platform (https://github.com/goteofoundation/goteo) with several objectives, among them: Continuous improvement and modernization of the existing code (based on Symfony components); Implementation of new functionalities in relation to new online payment systems and campaign formats; Assistance and collaboration in the containerization processes, continuous integration and deployment of the platform in production.
👉🏽 Enter to see the complete job offer aquí.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!